Chapter 51

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Sansa's eyes slowly opened, she pulled herself closer to Jamie, her arm draped across his chest. He was still asleep, his soft breaths were the only noise she could hear. She rested her head back on his shoulder. The cold air surrounding them made her shiver, she pulled the furs up closer to her face.

She didn't want this to end. She didn't want to face the rest of the world. She closed her eyes once more. She felt Jamie stir in her sleep, awakening himself. They had both fallen asleep talking late last night. They both felt the tiredness in their eyes. "What time is it?" Jamie muttered, he could see a dim surge of light entering the shutters. "it's still early, the courtyard's still quiet" Sansa responded.

"I should go before anyone sees me leave" Jamie spoke softly. "Or you could stay, you couldn't possibly abandon me so soon" She raised her head to meet his eyes, with a smile curling on her lips. "Do you think your brother would welcome me with open arms at breakfast then?" Sansa sighed quietly at his response, imagining how Jon would react.

Jamie pulled the furs off himself, he was still fully dressed apart from his boots which laid on the floor at the end of the bed. "Are you sure we have to do it this way?" Sansa asked. Jamie began tying his shoes, sitting on the edge of the bed. He thought of Sansa's question for a moment. "It's too much of a risk otherwise, Jon would never let you leave Winterfell if he discovered the truth, it's easier this way".

Jamie continued "Jon will be suspicious of you at first, after a few days have passed Brienne will bring you to me, I will leave some men behind to meet you and keep you both safe. By the time Jon realises it will be too late, my army will be too far away for him to stop us." Sansa nodded, taking in his plan. "I just wish we didn't have to do it this way, I don't want to lie to him". Jamie brought his hand across, placing it on Sansa's. "I know it'll be difficult, that's why you have to be sure-" Sansa interrupted "Of course I'm sure". She held Jamie's hand in her own. "Well at least this way, Jon can't accuse me of kidnapping a princess in the night and holding you prisoner" Jamie joked. Sansa laughed lightly before realising the royal title he had given her.

"That's true but I'm not a princess" Jamie looked back at her. "They will crown Jon as King, as they did your brother Robb, you do realise that don't you?". Sansa creased her eyebrows, she hadn't even thought of what would happen after Ramsey was defeated.

"We only need to keep it secret until we're together again" Jamie spoke softly. Sansa nodded at his words once more. "I should go" Jamie stood up from the bed, Sansa followed him to the door. He pulled her in close to him, hugging her tightly. "I love you" she said softly. Jamie pulled his head away from the embrace, but still holding her close to him. "I love you, we'll be together again soon, I promise". Sansa brought her head closer to his, brushing her lips softly against his. Jamie returned the kiss pressing his lips gently against hers. He pressed another kiss on her forehead before opening the door. He checked the empty corridor carefully before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

All Sansa could think about was when they would be together again, nothing else truly mattered.


Jamie began riding from his camp back to the gates of Winterfell, Jon had told him he would receive him before his departure. Once he had reached the gates, Jon and the other Northern Lords were already assembled.

Jamie got down from his horse, he saw Sansa stood by Jon's side, she didn't dare look at him at first. Jon cleared his throat before speaking.

"On behalf of the North I would like to Thankyou again for your assistance to House Stark. Without your army we wouldn't have defeated the Boltons, for that reason there will be a truce between our two houses. As long as neither House enters the others kingdom there will be peace between us, no more blood will be spilled."

Sansa glanced quickly as Jamie, catching his eye for a second. Jamie took a deep breath "you have my word there will be peace". Sansa heard Lords behind her scoff at his words. Jamie outstretched his hand towards Jon, he hesitated for a moment, before gripping Jamie's hand, shaking on their agreement.

Jamie turned back towards his horse. Sansa could feel a pounding in her chest. She knew she would see him again, but the thought of not being near him terrified her. Jon glanced at her, noticing the tears filling her eyes. She turned back to the castle, not letting any of the Lords see her tears.

Jamie started riding back to his men, who had already started marching South. All that echoed in his mind was Jon's pledge of 'no more blood being spilled between them'.

He wondered if that was true, he thought back to how many men had to die for Lyanna Stark, he prayed to all the gods that history wouldn't repeat itself.


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