Arranged........WHAT?!?!?!?!?! -Prologue (Photo of Jason)

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Prologue   [Edited]

So my name is, Cody Lockheart, and yeah I know…..Cody is a guy’s name right? Wrong, I’m a girl. And well quiet girl is all there is to know about me……

I get perfect grades, without trying….. I’m serious, I’ve never picked up a book to study in my life, I just kind of know all of the answers, which I won’t complain about. I need good grades so that I can become an anthropologist like I’ve dreamed of ever since I watched that television series Bones that aired a few years ago. It’s the perfect job for me, science, history, knowledge, facts, rationalism, mystery, and it will always be different so I won’t get bored!

Back to my life, my parents are Penelope and Phillip Lockheart, founders, owners, and co-CEO’s of Lockheart Industries. Saying we were rich was an understatement! I mean, out of our 6 story mansion I had my own floor…..the top one I might add! I got to design it! It has everything: secret tunnels, secret agent rooms(with all the spy ware a kid could want), weight lifting rooms, dance studio room, game rooms, puzzle rooms, paint rooms, music rooms, it’s own library, a chute that goes to the kitchen to get food from the 24 hour cooks, each room has intercom’s that go all over the house, I have several bedrooms, a huge closet with all the clothes I could ever want, I even had a garage room that had a car elevator so I could park my car on the top floor! I never had to walk down the stair to go to my car, just go to my garage room!

To my parents I’m the perfect child. I don’t do drugs, don’t drink, I’m not a slut, or a bitch. In school I’m actually a loner. No one knows of my home life. I’m just the girl that sits in the back with her hood on (no one has ever seen my face), that gets great grades, doesn’t speak unless spoken to, has perfect manners, and is always composed, and for the most part ignored.

I have my secrets from the world believe me, but I’m a great kid…….so when I came home one day to find a note saying

‘Sweetie we’re sorry we aren’t able to tell you this to your face, but your arranged fiancée and his family will be coming over for dinner this evening. Where something nice!

Love you to the moon and back!


Mom and Dad’

I freaked to say the least. “A-a-arranged WHAT!!”

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