Chapter 25- Planning, Arguing, and Moonlight

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Chapter 25-

Cody’s POV:

“So how do we go about this?” Jason asked.

After figuring out what we had to do first- aka; why they want to arrange a marriage in the first place- we hit a road block. We can’t figure out how we’re going to figure this out.

“Well there’s no way they’ll just tell us.” I said.

“Yeah,” Rae backed me up, “they’ll spin some bull crap about how it’ll be good for us, or they just knew, or even that it doesn’t matter why just that we do it.”

“Bull crap? It’s bull shit.” Rick raised his eyebrows at her.

“Is this really the time to comment on the phrases I use?” She asked him incredulously.

Thank God that shut him up.

“It’s not like we can break in to they’re emails. They’ve no doubt got the best security systems in the planet on their accounts.” Jason muttered.

“That’s it!” I shouted. “Jason you’re a genius! They may have the best security systems on their accounts, but I know the cheat codes.”

Without thinking I whipped my phone out and pressed the button that opened up one of the wall entrances.

The boys were looking at it in confusion, and Rae looked at me in shock, “Sometimes I feel you’re so stupid I shouldn’t even hang out with you.”

“Oh who cares if they know about it? We’re going to the security room and this is the only way in there. Plus, what can they possibly do? They don’t have the controls. Nor will they be here for more than a few more days.” I shrugged and went inside the thin hallway.

We were on the third floor, so we had to climb two flights of ladders and walked through any number of hallways to get to the security room.

I entered in all the security codes, and a sensor popped open on the opposite wall to scan my retina- most people don’t know this, but your eyes are as unique as your fingerprints, perhaps even more so.

A big ‘whoosh’ sound came from the hatch opening above our heads and the stairs came up through the floor below. As they came up I grabbed on so I wouldn’t have to climb up them.

The room would’ve looked serious with all of its gray colors, monitors, and fancy buttons, but the fact that the computer screens were playing Nickelodeon’s iCarly at the moment, and the actors were doing some really weird stuff with a miniature golf park set up in the apartment, kind of ruined all seriousness I could’ve hoped for.

I hopped in my black office chair, and turned off the TV while the others clambered up after me.

“Hmmm” I opened up a new internet browser and went to I entered mom’s email first because she doesn’t get business emails so it would probably be easier to find information on hers rather than dad’s. I entered her universal password- ‘cookies’.

“How do you know your parent’s passwords?” Rick asked with conviction.

“I’m psychic.” I muttered back dryly, only paying him the slightest bit of attention.

He yelled ‘ow’ really loud a few seconds later and him and Rae started arguing back and forth. She was saying something about not hitting me on the  back of my head, and he was yelling stuff back……all just background noise.

Jason pulled up a chair next to me as our eyes flitted across email subjects.

Cookies; Dinner; Doctor Jameson; Appointment; Cookies; New York; Cookies; Fashion Show; Conference Call; Wedding Plans; Cooki-

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