Chapter 27- Innappropriate Reactions and Annoying Lawyers

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1 Chapter until the end, then the epilogue. =D

Chapter 27-

Jason’s POV:

The room froze- not really, actually there was a lot of things going on, it was more my brain that froze.

Rick started yelling at the lawyer, but Harold grabbed him and dragged him out of the room. Penelope’s sobbing increased, and Philip crumpled into the chair next to her, and the Mr. Mathieu moved his briefcase from the floor to the table and started shuffling through it.

I noticed none of it, my thoughts were flashing so fast that as soon as I thought something a new idea replaced it.

Mom and dad are dead.

They died.

They aren’t coming back.

I’ll never see them again.

Family dinners, holidays, joking around, plans, promises, memories……….they all mean nothing………… it doesn’t matter anymore.

I’ll never see them again.

My mom’s dark hair and how funny she’d look when she put those huge pink curlers in her hair, and dad and I would make fun of her for it.

I can’t wrap my head around it, but I still use everything in past-tense.

He WOULD, she WOULD, they WOULD, we WOULD.

They’re dead, somewhere down in knowheres-ville, Louisiana, and I’ll never see them again.

Never……. it’s such a sad word. It means the end of something, it labels the impossible, and that’s what this is: it’s IMPOSSIBLE to see them again, because they’re not them anymore.

I want to scream about how insane this all is!

That screaming feeling rose up in me until I couldn’t hold it in anymore, and burst out, but instead of a scream of rage like I’d thought it came out as a laugh, but not a normal laugh. It was cold, humorless, icy, and frightening.

After I started laughing I couldn’t stop. I was laughing so hard I had to bend over on my knees for support, but that wasn’t enough, so I lent on the wall. My stomach began to hurt, and I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t because it’s just too funny.

This whole situation is just so insane that it’s hilarious! It’s not even that funny, but the ironies of this situation- everything from the marriage to the crash- is just too funny!

One second my life is normal, then I’m getting married, then my parents die! How much crappier could life get?!

This isn’t even funny!

I hear other laughs accompanying mine and look up to see Penelope and Philip laughing with me, but their laughs hold more humor than mine.

My eyes flit over to Mr. Mathieu, he’s looking at us like we’ve lost our minds, and is afraid for his life.

That just makes me laugh harder. What does he think is going to happen: bugs are going to attack his brain, our crazy is going to spread to him, a ninja is going to pop out and kill him?

It takes twenty minutes for me to stop laughing from lack of breath, and I have tears running down my face.

I slide down the wall and sit with my legs bent up in front of me keeping me protected from the rest of the world, and my arms rest on my knees.

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