Chapter 13- Giovanni

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Chapter 13 (soo not edited! May be totally terrible, but I feel suuuuuper bad for not updating in forever, so here you go!)

Cody’s POV:

It was like de je vu having my eyes flutter open to stare straight into the light- no not the light that meant I was going to that unpredictable afterlife- just the light to the ceiling of the pillow room.

I had the weirdest dream where’d my parents had arranged a marriage for me, then  I’d been climbing in the mountains and gotten injured, but somehow survived and Harold came and got me, then I’d woken up here and ended up in a lot pain cause I’d tried to walk, but there was some mysterious stranger wrapping his arms around me- and then nothing.

No memories or visions or dreams after that, just a dull throbbing that finally convinced me to open my eyes and see where the heck I was.

I groaned, I realized I must’ve just had one of those really weird and crap-filled dreams that’s more like a nightmare than anything else, where you wake up screaming and covered in sweat. Totally not fun, but at least I didn’t scream.

Pushing myself up so it looked like I was in a chair with a terrible slouch, and looked down and my right ankle to see- a blue cast.

“Oh, but of course! It just COULDN’T have been a dream, I HAD to wake up to the reality, to face my doom. Why, oh why, oh why, have my parents decided to ruin my life?!” I screamed to the empty room.

There is absolutely no reason  in THIS world, the smurf’s world, the underworld, God’s world, the minimoy’s world, the alien’s worlds, OR the world of imaginary creatures that my parents in their right minds- well as right as their minds can get- that they would see fit to arrange a marriage for me!

I mean come on! I’m responsible, level headed, smart, I follow the rules, I have done NOTHING wrong that would entitle me to this kind of punishment! I would rather be shipped off to some ratty boarding school in the middle of nowhere, or have to find my way out of a jungle full of lions that were hunting me, heck! I’d rather have my eyes poked out rather than have an arranged marriage!

…..ok, so maybe the loss of my eyesight is a bit extreme, it is a very useful tool, and I would be a terrible blind person, but I DON’T WANT TO GET MARRIED!

I have to get my parents to un-arrange this marriage, no matter what it takes I will. Not. Get married. To. A. Complete. Stranger.

When the idea of locking my parents in a confined closet until they agreed to my terms, I realized my ideas were beginning to get slightly out of control- for now anyways, I may want to hang on to that idea.

I looked down at my ankle again, it wasn’t hurting at all. I wiggled it half an inch each way, judging it carefully to see if it would give me any grief, but there wasn’t any- not even a slight sting, so I decided I was in the clear.

I pushed up with my right arm, forgetting that I was pushing on fluffy pillows and just sunk down into them, and effectively falling on my face, and just looking like a fish flopping around, I opted for rolling my way off of the pillows.

I twisted and turned, up over the blue pillow, and falling two feet down onto a neon orange and lavender purple one, then scrambling up on top of a polka dotted yellow and brown one I finally rolled to the ground in front of the door, in a groaning heap.

You know how I said my ankle wasn’t being mean to me before? Yeah, well after that little escaped it’s got a few choice words to say to me. And let me say that this thing stings like a *****!

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