Chapter 9- The Pool

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Chapter 9- (not as long as I planned it, but I know you guys want an update……so this is mainly just a filler, and I apologize for that!)

Jason’s POV:

I sat up in bed, to the same scene as yesterday morning in that same amazing bed. I’m not one for girly thoughts, but this bed is heaven. I thought back to yesterday.

After Rick showed up we headed to the games room, which I had forgotten about while learning about Cody. We spent the three hours allowed for the room, in there playing on the games. Then went and explored the first floor a bit, talking about chicks, well Rick talked about chicks I talked about Mystery Princess. He was shocked to find I’d talked to her considering the only person that’s ever heard her talk before now was Michael.

My mind drifted back to watching her dance. I can’t decide whether I like her more or lust her more, but either way I’m whipped.

A knock at the door brought my mind back to the present just as Rick walked casually through the door. Spinning in a 360 he took in the room with a low whistle.

“This room is sick. Who would’a thought the freak could design, huh? Now get up! Get dressed! Then meet me at the games room!”

I grumbled at him, “I just woke up bro, and then I’m eating breakfast. Go explore some rooms or something.”

He glared at me. “Fine. I’ll just go check out that room that has a door that looks like a vault a few doors down. Be ready to die in half an hour though, got it?”

I waved him off, he was just kidding with me anyways. “Yeah, yeah, whatever just go check out the rooms or whatever you said you were gonna do.”

He left and I groaned and hauled myself out of bed. Pulling on a random pair of dark colored jeans and a black top the said ‘Journey’ in red bold bleeding letters in the front I walked down to breakfast.

It wasn’t as fancy as yesterdays, just some cinnamon toast crunch cereal, and it lives up to its promise for there were cinnamon swirls in every bite!

When I was done I headed to the games room where Rick was leaning against the door with his head looking up, eyes closed, but that’s not what made me double over in laughter, nor was his childish pout/scowl.

No what made me hurt my sides from laughing at him was the fact that in head to toe he was covered in black powder. “Dude! What! Happened to you!?” I burst into laughing and he just turned and glared at me.

“That d*mn door! I tried to open it, but it was locked, and when I tried picking the lock it zapped me! Then I tried kicking it in and it sprayed be with this black powder stuff!”

I looked up at him from the ground where I had fallen. He just took the elevator up to the third floor to where he was staying in one of the guestrooms and I heard a door slammed.

It might not be the nicest thing to laugh, but he’ll get over it, and it’s not every day you get to see your best friend out-smarted by a door! Whatever’s in that room must be pretty awesome for it to be all locked up, but I like my body NOT covered in black.

Chuckling some more I looked around. This floor wasn’t all that interesting, but the other floors should be. Like the second floor supposedly has a pool in it. Weird right? What house has a pool in it, much less one on the second story.

Well I could go for a swim now that we aren’t going to play video games. Might as well do something while Mr. Black Face cleans up. Good thing I’ve got my swimsuit with me.


It took me fifteen minutes to make it back to the sky room, and then change and find my way back to the hallway so it wasn’t about half an hour later that I actually shouted to one of the maids on the third floor to ask where the pool was.

She said I was on the wrong side, and that this was the Mr. and Mrs. Lockheart’s bedroom side. Which I guess made sense because the only thing there was on this side was a really long hallway that goes almost to what I’m guessing is the back wall. I can’t actually see back that far cause there’s no lights on.

So I took the elevator to the first floor, jumped the table in the center, took the other elevator back up to the second and am now about open the large double doors in the middle of the hallway.







As soon as I walk in I’m greeted by an enormous room 10’ tall room. This room takes up this whole half of the house- so a rough half mile by half mile. There’s several different pools all with different themes. The walls are all amazing. In the wall adjacent with the door is lined with large cabinets that probably have pool equipment and each set of cabinets has a different coastal mural painted on it. I walk up to one of the doors to find it rough from the paint, meaning that each one must’ve been hand painted.

Turning around I take in the other 3 walls. The one opposite me is made completely of 10’ tall glass. The other two walls have large windows on each of them, letting in large amounts of light, but the one on my right, which also is the front of the house, has mirrors all along it reflecting everything, making it all look larger, especially because of the prominence of white, with the exception of the toys.

To my right, taking up the whole side of the room is a deep pool that looks about nine feet deep, and has blue lines painted down the middle to make it easier to swim laps. Then directly in front of me there’s a spa that’s about forty feet by forty feet, is square and has a round sitting area in the middle. Beyond that there’s a pool that’s in the shape of an over-sized square and is only a few feet deep, making it excellent for small kids. And in the far left corner taking up the rest of the space is a huge rectangular pool that’s deeper than the kiddy pool, but smaller than the adult pool, around five feet deep.

All of the water is crystal clear so it’s easy to see down to the different colors used to paint the pool insides. In the adult pool is a light blue with dark blue lines, the kiddy pool is a medium ocean-like blue, with different colored fishes. The medium sized pool is light green and the spa is yellow and red mixed together to look like flames. The surface around the pools is a rough mat, that doesn’t get slippery when wet, and is white with black polka dots.

Then there’s the slides. They’re everywhere and all different colors. The really huge ones are stationed all around the adult pool, and are all different kinds. There’s not much else, but it’s probably just stored in the cabinets.

After standing in awe for like five minutes taking everything in, I step towards the adult pool, striping my shirt off about to dive in, when I’m interrupted by the young maid who just walked in.

“um.” She looked rather nervous, but I couldn’t help the aggravation that started settling. She was just standing there with her head down and hands folded in front of her. She had her long dull black hair tied up in a small bun, she had a large forehead, small build around 5’4”.

“Well, what do you want?”

“I was um, do you want to turn the radio on while you swim?” she spit it out so fast I barely caught it.

“There’s a radio in here? Well this place is weird….. um yeah, sure, put it on 96.7.”

“Ok, well we don’t have actual stations. You pick an artist or song and that sort of genre is played.”

“Oh, ok whatever, just put it oooonnnnn,” I searched for an artist I liked, but it’s easier to think you know songs and artists rather than recall them whenever you need them, “How about Dynamite by Taio Cruz?”

“Very well.” She rushed out like a deer. Poor girl, but I could help laugh a little at her pathetic-ness. She has absolutely no courage- or maybe I’m just too hot for her- either one.

A few seconds later the song started blasting from some invisible surround sound system, and I dove in the water to start my laps.


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