Chapter 4-A Fight (Picture of Cody's Mom)

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Chapter 4

Cody’s POV: (that night)

“Nope, too easy for you to find me.” I laughed and drove off down towards my house. I really liked talking with Jason. I recognized him from my school and as a club-regular immediately thanks to my photographic memory. (did I mention I had one of those? No? Well I do. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have the grades I do.

Anyways, I actually kind of like Jason, granted he only approached me because…..well honestly I don’t know why he approached me, but I’m glad he did, nonetheless. He was sweet and charming, not to mention he’s got a body so good it should be illegal in 49 countries and Puerto Rico!

I can’t wait to see him again. He might even be boyfriend material. A smile fell onto my face with that thought, but was replaced by a scowl that would make most grown men whimper from the sight as my next thought came. ‘I’m friggen ENGAGED!’ I don’t even understand why my parents are doing this to me. I can be happy with someone if I want to be! This better not be about some kind of business merger or something. No, that’s stupid, I’d know about a business merger before they would. I practically run their company, hey that’s a good threat to make if I hate the guy…… wait I already hate the guy.

I don’t want an arranged marriage and that’s that!

I pulled up to the ‘Gate of Death’ as Ray and I like to call it and pressed the button on my house remote that opened the gate. 

“Hello Miss Lockheart would you like me to take your bike to the garage?” ugh, Charles or Charlie as I prefer, interrupted my thoughts about Jason!

“Yeah sure, thanks. Hey has my ‘fiance’s’ family left yet?” It’s past midnight so I would assume so, but you never know.

“Yes ma’am, they left about a half hour ago, but your fiancé himself will be staying here according to your parent’s wishes.”

That was all I needed to go bounding up the front steps and through the door to find my parents. He WILL NOT be staying in MY house! Fiancé or not! I designed every square inch of these five miles, designed, oversaw, and even help BUILD this house!

Not bothering for the hidden staircase or even my secret tunnels that are in all the walls throughout the house and under most of the property and I just ran up to the table in the main hallway and did a running jump grabbing onto the second story banister flinging myself over the top, I start running down the hallway that gets me to my parents suite, then banging the door open. I looked around, but they weren’t there. I ran back to the hallway and saw Harold my awesome butler walking on the third level, “Harold! Where are my parents?” I want to call them some other not-so-nice names right now, but I don’t disrespect my parents, they’re good to me….well except for right now and how their trying to completely DESTROY my life!

“They’re in the private meeting room. The blue one.”

“Thanks Harold!” I knew the one he was talking about. It was on the first floor. It wasn’t all that private, but it was one of the smaller ones, and the underwater murals and had done in there made it one of my favorite meeting rooms. I jumped the banister landing on my feet perfectly and sprinted the few feet to the room bursting in and slamming the door behind me so that we would have some privacy from everyone.

“Cody, where have you been sweetheart? We were so worrie-“ I held my hand out as a sign for her to stop, and accompanied with the deadly scowl on my face even my mother-who has the thickest skull in the history of the universe- could understand that I meant serious business.

“WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?! HUH?!?!?!?! AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE!??!?!?!?!?!” I hadn’t meant to yell, but can I really be blames?”

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