chapter 23.

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Ashanti SmithI woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face

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Ashanti Smith
I woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face.

I had the man of my dreams. I was starting the internship that I worked so hard to earn, beating out thousands of people in the process. Life was going great so far.

And that usually always meant that shit was about to hit the fan.

But I would be optimistic. Maybe my life was finally looking up for the better after all the shit that I've been through.

Speaking of all the shit I've been through, the reason behind that has been blowing my phone up with apology after apology text.

''Maybe he's seen the light and realized how badly he fucked up.'' Gill picked the smoothies that we had just ordered.

''Or maybe he's trying to sink his claws back into her again.'' Ivy twisted and pointed her finger in the air.'' But this time he won't succeed because you've moved on to one of the heirs of multiple multi-billion dollars companies. Who actually treats you like the Queen you deserve to be treated.'' Zara and Gill hummed their agreements as we walked out of the shop.

Whatever the reason was, I definitely was not entertaining his bullshit. I'm happy and in a better space than I was a few months ago. He made me feel angry and like a piece of shit, but now I feel happy and loved.

Alessandro makes me feel good about myself and makes me be a better person.

''Plus from the glow,'' Zara mused.''The sex must be ten times better.''

Oh! You have no fucking clue just how much better it is.

''Can we not.'' I stop the conversation before I spill some very intimate details between me and him.

I was trying to spend as much time with the girls as I could before I started this internship. Being swamped with work, school, and dividing time with them and Alessandro would be a lot of work. But I would get it done.

At least Alessandro would be busy shadowing his brothers and his other occupation. He asked me to move in with him a few days ago and I hadn't got back to him on that. It wasn't that I didn't want to, because I did. But the girls were always there for me and I didn't want to leave them just yet.

He didn't ask me to move into the penthouse, he asked me to move into his private home that was a little outside of the city limits. It was close to his family home and to his siblings in the city. Although, Sage and Gio would be moving closer to him as well since their wedding was right around the corner.

''He asked me to move in with him.'' I blurted out.

The girls stopped abruptly making me turn around. ''You guys walk and talk, let's go.'' I motion and turn around. As soon as I turned around a hard body crashed into me, knocking my smoothie all over me.

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