chapter 44.

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"Sal!" My aunt's voice rang out as we walked down the hallway and into the main living room

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"Sal!" My aunt's voice rang out as we walked down the hallway and into the main living room.

"Alessandro ha una ragazza adesso!"

(Alessandro's got a girlfriend now)

Ashanti chuckled as she turned her head into my chest. She understood a little bit of Italian, picking up on a few things here and there. She could communicate with a couple of words but not enough to have a full on conversation.

We were working on that though.

" Carina you better not be chopping my balls!" He responded back, his Italian accent thick and heavy as we entered the room.

He sat on his Italian leather recliner with Dante and Aria in each arm. Carina walked over and picked Aria up and sat in the chair next to him.

"Well i'll be damned," he muttered as if the angel Gabriel just came down from heaven.

"You guys see her too right?" He joked, his laughter loud and hearty as he handed Dante to Maria.

"You're a mess." I shook my head as I spoke over the laughter that was now filling the room.

By now Ashanti was much more relaxed as he walked over to her. Her smile was bright and big as uncle Sal wrapped his buff arms around her.

"Ah! She's so beautiful," he grabbed her cheeks in his palms and placed a kiss to both cheeks. Ashanti blushed slightly at the compliment as stepped back into my side.

Seeing Ash interact with the two people that had helped raised me and my brothers gave me an overwhelming since of joy.

Seeing them welcome her with open arms was all the more reason why I knew that she was the one for me.

"Anthonie," uncle Sal turned towards the only one that wasn't in a relationship right now.

"Get on it, I want to see all my great nieces and nephews before I die." Anthonie waved him off as if he was being dramatic.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You'll be waiting for a long time," he said it so confidently as he burped Marco who had just finished with his bottle.

I found it hard to believe that Anthonie didn't want to try again and get married, build a family. He loved his nieces and nephews to death, so I didn't understand why he was so adamant on living the bachelor life.

"We'll see about that," Sal said as he guided us to the couch. I clapped his back before sitting down next to Ash who immediately indulged in the cheese and cracker tray set out.

"See," I dropped my arm over her shoulder as she nibbled on some green grapes." You had nothing to worry about."

"I know," she turned towards me with a soft smile." But it's your family and I want to make a good first impression. I know how important family is to you."

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