The History Of The Batfamily

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This story starts two years after a now 20 year old Bruce Wayne leaves to going train in the mountains at 18 and returns when he's 25. Bruce takes up vigilanteism under the name Batman shortly after his return home.

Bruce adopts a 9 year old boy named Richard "Dick" Grayson about 3 years later, when the young circus boy witnessed his parents fall to their deaths after a trapeze cord was sabotaged. Dick becomes Batmans sidekick called Robin named after Dick's childhood nickname a few months later. At 13 Dick joins a newly formed superhero team called Young Justice. After getting into a fight with Batman, Dick leaves Young Justice at 16 and goes to Jump City to start his own team called the Teen Titans. Dick becomes Nightwing at 18 after the Teen Titans dispensed and moves to be a sole vigilante in Bludhaven.

Around the same time a 13 year old named Jason Todd was adopted by Bruce and becomes the second Robin. A few months later, Dick, as Nightwing, rejoins Young Justice. Jason was blown up by The Joker at 15.

A 12 year old named Timothy Drake figures out the Batfamily's ID's on his own and becomes the third robin six months after Jason's death. Two years later, Tim at 14 takes up the name Red Robin and joins Young Justice.

A few months later, it comes to light that Bruce had a biological son named Damian Al Gual Wayne 10 years ago with a woman named Talia Al Gual and Damian becomes the fourth Robin on the day of his arrival to the manor.

Not even two months after Damian becomes Robin a new Anti-Hero appears in Gotham named Red Hood which is later revealed to be Jason Todd back from the dead.

Bruce "dies" and Dick has to take up the mantle as Batman for nearly a year until Bruce "comes back to life". Damian at 12 leaves his father's side and joins the newly reformed Teen Titans.

(I got all that just from reading a few fanfics and a 5 minute YouTube video on the history of all four Robins, so it may not be accurate but it's what we're going with.)

Added all Together:

Alfred - ???
Bruce - 43
Danny - 37 (but looks 15 or 16)
Dick - 24
Jason - 19
Tim - 16
Damian - 12

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