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Danny was in a good mood lately; watching the kid run around trying to find out whether or not he was real, amused the specter greatly. It was especially entertaining to watch the boys reaction when he read about Danny's previous heroic exploits. If only Dick knew the ghost he'd been reading about for the last few weeks was invisibly looking right over his shoulder the whole time.

Originally, Danny was trying not to be all "ghostly" with the kid around but now it was simply fun just to watch the boy try and catch him in the act of pulling his usual tricks. It reminded Danny of how his old high school rival Wes Weston used to try and fail to expose his identity to the citizens of Amity Park. And it was even funnier to watch Bruce try and come up with explanations for all the weird things that happened in the manor. Alfred shared in Danny's amusement and even encouraged the boy's belief that ghost's were indeed real, much to Bruce's annoyance.

Though, throughout the many times Dick had witnessed Danny's haunting activities, Dick had never actually SEEN Danny himself.

Until one interesting night.


Dick had planned it all out. He waited for when Alfred and Bruce had left for a charity gala he couldn't go to, thank the heavens, because it was on a school night. Once he was sure both of them were gone, Dick abandoned his homework and went downstairs.

Every step he took and every little noise he heard, made Dick more and more paranoid. It felt like something was about to jump out of nowhere and attack him at any second. It was nerve racking but Dick did not let those feelings distracted him from his mission.

The panio music got loud and loud as Dick got closer to the office. It was a haunting melody, a chilling number that brought on the feeling of terrifying discovery of the unknown. Dick thought it was rather fitting.

Pushing the door to the study open as quietly as he could, Dick observed an interesting sight.

Sitting on a still playing the piano was a teenager he had never seen before. Dick found it odd that he'd never met the teen before but he assumed that Alfred and Bruce knew that the he was here and simply forgotten to introduce Dick to him.

When the song came to a close the teen looked up and locked eyes with him. Dick jamped back with a start at being caught but the teen did not look angry, simply smile at him and gave a small hand gesture beckoning him into the room. Which Dick did nervously, teenagers had never been nice to him in the circus and they definitely weren't nice to him at school.

"Hey, you must be Dick, right?" The teen asked him, to which Dick timidly nods. "Cool, my name's Danny. Nice to meet you, kid." Danny held out a hand and Dick took it after a moment's hesitant, although slightly annoyed that being called the kid.

He was 9, thank you very much, definitely not a kid.

Danny waited for a moment to see if Dick was going to say anything, he didn't, so Danny took it upon himself to continue the conversation.

"So... do you want me to teach you how to play the piano?"

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