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The ghost found the butler odd. He knew of the ghost existence in the manor, yet the man made no move to get rid of him. Instead, the man almost seemed to welcome his presence. The butler had even gone out of his way to purchase Danny new astronomy books and recently the ghost had discovered beginner pianoist books on the desk in his favorite room.

So yes, this human was definitely odd in the half-ghost's eyes.

Why would a human willing allow a ghost to reside in their home? Why hadn't Alfred, Danny learned that was the man's name, call the GIW or some other ghost hunters? Danny didn't know but that didn't mean he was any less greatful.


The Danny was bored one day when the butler was out so the retired ghostly-hero decided to clean up the manor a little bit.

Danny turned intangible, not bothering with invisible because no one was home, and flow out into the foyer before dropping his intangibility. Floating a few inches off the ground, the ghost considered what he should clean first. Glancing around, Danny settled on the windows. He flow up to one nexts to the front door and wondered how was to clean it, while absinthemindedly creating small ice sculptures in his hand with his ice core but then he almost slapped himself for his own forgetfulness.

Frost, Danny thought, that could do the trick.

Danny, as an experiment, placed his hand on the window and summoned forth his ice powers to cover the window in a layer of frost. After a moment, the ghost absorbed the frost and was satisfied to see that the window did, in fact, look cleaner then before, if only slightly. Danny proceeded to go all about the manor using his cryonises to clean the windows.

When Danny had finished the last of them, the ghost flow over to the center of the ballroom he currently found himself in and admired his work.

"You didn't need to do that. I could have done it, myself."

The ghost let out a very manly 'meep' and turn invisible on instinct.

When did he get here?!

Indeed, Alfred was there, the butler was standing in one of the many enterways to the ginormous ballroom observing the air where the ghost was still invisibly floating in the center of.

Not wishing stay there any longer, Danny turned intangible and silently flow passed the man and back to the study.

Ghost Of Wayne ManorWhere stories live. Discover now