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The manor was perfect. It was big and spacious, but most importently, it was abandoned and empty of life. At least, that's what Danny thought.

About a month after Danny had moved into the manor a man showed up. The man had this unique way of looking like he was in both his 40est and his 70est at the same time but had the energy of a man in his 20est. The man wore commen servant attire, a tux and bow tie with black pants and black polished shoes.

Danny thought nothing of the man other then that he was simply visiting the property, so he attempted to scare the man away from his newly claimed haunt. Danny would flicker the lights when the man enter a hall, caused appliances to randomly turn on and off, and caused bulbs to shatter when the man turned a light on in a room.

However, all Danny accomplished was for the man to call a electrician.

That definitely didn't hurt Danny's proud and he most definitely didn't sulk about that for a few day.

After coming to the realization that the man was here to stay, Danny decided to stay out of the man's way for the most part. Danny picked his favorite room, a study one the first floor with a grandfather clock and piano, and claimed it as his personal room which would later be give the nickname by the future inhabitants of the manner, "The Haunted Study".

The man, Alfred his name was, was not blind to the odd occurrences that took place within the halls of Wayne Manor. After the incident with the manors electronics and lights going berserk, the bulter had called a electrician to fix the problem only to discover there was nothing wrong in the first place. Alfred was beginning to have his suspicions.

Of course, despite what the electrician said about nothing being out of place, the light would still flicker occasionally or he'd find books from the library scattered around the master study on the first floor with no recollection of placing them there. The strangest of the incidence was when the piano in the study had started to play in the middle of the night, but when he had goes to check he saw no one was in the study that he could see. However, as Alfred continued to observe the room the keys would press down in no particular order or rhythm as if the pianoist had no idea how to actually play.

This only confirmed Alfred's suspicious, there was a ghost in the manor.

Ghost Of Wayne ManorWhere stories live. Discover now