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Danny didn't mean to be a helicopter parent but Ancients does he feel like one.

Granted, Dick didn't actually know he was there with him invisibly most of the time, but semantics. It was the principal of the matter after all.

His little bird had begun to fly with the bat, soaring through the sky's with a flip and a quip. Robin is the color to Batman's shadow, the light in Gotham's darkness, criminal's cowered in fear at the sound of his deceivingly delightful cackle. The acrobat descended upon the city's wrong doers like a little demonic ray of sunshine.

And it was driving Danny's protective instincts up the wall.

It was at the point where if Dick came home with so much as a scrapped knee that the ghost was going to have to admit himself to Arkham. What was Bruce thinking?! Letting that boy out onto the streets with basically no self-defense training and the bare minimum of protective padding. Don't even getting him started on those ridiculous scaly green booty shorts Bruce is letting the boy ware while running around Gotham in winter.

That man is never drinking warm coffee again if Danny had anything to say about it. Bruce better pray he never gets his hand on the batsuit, else Danny will be turning 'Batman' into 'Pink Glitter PrincessMan' complete with a tiara and a frilly tow-tow.

At least Alfred was able to knock some sence into Bruce and remind him that actually had to train the boy. You'd think that would have been obvious two weeks ago, but no matter how brilliant the billionaire is, he's still idiot at times.

It is time like those that remind the half-ghost who the really boss of the manor is.


Danny fazed through the floor into his study (it was his study no matter what that furry had to say) and silently landing his feet on the carpet. He had come up from the batcave after watch Bruce get Scolded™ by Alfred, truely a spectacle to behold.

The ghost yawned tiredly while stretching his arms over his head and turning visible while he transformed. He was really tired, sleep sounded good right about now-

A sharp gasp had Danny wiping around just as rings frizzled out leaving him human, only to meet eyes with non other then Dick.

Sleep all but forgotten, Danny sighed internally. He was so not ready for this conversation.

Ghost Of Wayne ManorWhere stories live. Discover now