Chapter 12: Magic

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Kill woke up with the warmth of the thing he was resting on, it was softly moving up and down. What? Why is the ground moving?

"...ddess of fertility also known as the Lunar Nymph was known to bring children into the world... Hah?? What kind of retard thinks babies come from the moon goddess?"

His eyes shot open when he heard the familiar voice of someone speaking just right next to his ear. That's when he realized he was literally sleeping on a living creature, or in simpler words, a human.

"....!" he immediately stood up and pulled away from her embrace and tried to back away as far as possible, how shameful.

"What? You were calling me Mom not too long ago before you passed out. Clinging on to me, that is." Avy didn't take her eyes off the book she was reading entitled 'Miracles of this World'.

"H-how long have you been here, lady?"

"Almost two hours. I wasn't really planning on staying for long because I only wanted to see if you were doing fine. And maybe give you books?" she said and get up from being seated on the ground.

"If you don't read books, well, you should. I considered that our alphabet might not be the same, but after reading a little bit about where you came from, I found out that we do share the same alphabet, which is great, to be honest. I didn't know you guys came from... the South?"

"Beast People resides in the southern islands isolated from humans." Kill answered. "And I do read books." he added and took the books she took out from her bag.

"You sound as mature as me when I was your age. If that's the case, I wouldn't really mind taking you as my son."

"Really?" his golden eyes shined bright when he heard those words from her. Avy was of course, surprised by his response. She wasn't really joking but she didn't think he would take it seriously.

"Wouldn't your Mom get mad if she finds out you're looking for a new Mom?" Avy asked with her left brow raised.

"I don't have a Mom."

"You were saying Ma while you were asleep."

"Ma is the one who raised me. I never had a mother." Kill said, looking at her with a melancholic gaze, contrary to his cold facial expression.

"Isn't she basically your mom then?"

"Ma is a boy."

It took a couple of seconds for Avy to piece everything together. "His name is Ma, is that what you were saying?"

"I don't know his full name though, all I know is Ma." he stated with a small pout causing Avy to chuckle at how incredibly normal he sounded, like children his age should.

"You're a really smart kid, I like smart people. It's a shame I can't go around often and visit you." she said.


"You see, I'm not really allowed to go out, even though people don't know my face, they would instantly recognize me if they see the color of my eyes. They might tell on my father, he would tighten the security and that would make it harder to go out." she explained carefully, she usually talks in an impolite manner but it seems like she has taken a liking to the smart beast child that she answered nicely.

"Don't you just need to change the color?"

"It would be great if I can."

"I can do it. I can change the color of your eyes."

Avy looked at him intriguingly, she wasn't skeptical that such ability exists but she wasn't certain that a small child the age of five could control his powers so early. She spent most of her time reading and she came across something about people not controlling their powers till they reach ten to twelve years old.

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