Chapter 38: Reunion, Goodbyes

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Clerivan has been introduced to the Arkwrights at a young age, given that his father is acquainted with the former duke, he could say that the family of ravens is the most mysterious group of people he's ever met. And he looked up to them just like how normal citizens and knights from different parts of the empire did. They are strong, intelligent, and didn't go around flaunting their wealth and power to everyone. A family that stays in the shadows. 

They are neither kind-hearted heroes nor are they malevolent villains, they do their job and serve the empire to the best of their abilities. They do not side with nobles and only support the Imperial Family if it means for the best. Because the ravens do not settle for less. They do not express their desire and do not do things that they deemed unnecessary. Clerivan admired them for their qualities that most aristocrats don't have. 

But the only lady was the only exception. 

Lady Avy was predictable and shallow and oddly different. She doesn't respect people nor did she do anything to deserve their respect. Like a crow trying hard to pretend to be a different bird, despising her skin and locking herself up just because. Clerivan thought of her like an open book that is written with deep words hence he couldn't understand, but then again, he could never bring himself to hate the girl. Some may call it a childish reason to blindly follow someone, but the knight stood by his words and would lend his help if she wants him to. 

But after getting closer and stepping inside the lady's little bubble, he learned so much of her personality that she dared not show the people who were unworthy. She was hard-headed, yes. Hot-tempered with so little patience than any other. She hates people, likes being alone. She speaks her mind, boldly as she wants. But she was not the gloomy girl that everyone thought she was.

Clerivan concluded that she was the most open of them all, but the most difficult to truly understand. She was an open book written in a language he has no knowledge of. And as much as he couldn't fathom what was going on inside her mind, he decided to just accept.

How come the lady never fails to surprise him every time?

"I wouldn't want to spill blood too, but if you insist."

The unknown man simpered confidently not in any way fazed about the blade that might slit his throat if he moved. He was as tall as him, with long messy black hair and eyes the color of obsidian, devoid of any light and emotion. Clerivan didn't like the way he stared, it was empty yet taunting, pushing him to take the initiative and start the fight. He is always calm and collected, but as much as he is composed, he is also driven by pride. He would've accepted his challenge if not for the lady stepping in to stop the both of them.

"Put the blade away, Revie. I know him."

He withdrew the sword but eyed the stranger cautiously as Avy handed him the bag of fruits nonchalantly as if she was accustomed to his presence. The man radiated danger no matter where he looked and his mysterious background didn't help a single bit.

"I'd also appreciate it if you treated him... nicely. This man is the reason why I came back alive."

Clerivan's brows furrowed in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" he asked, shifting his attention from the man onto his master before going back to the other who pulled an apple from the bag and took a bite.

"You heard the lady." he laughed a little "I saved her life."

He swore that for a second, he saw red replacing the black hue in the man's eyes but it faded immediately as if it was never there. That man was indeed not a force to be reckoned with.

"Let's be civil here, shall we?"


Avy didn't intend to hide Ares forever but she couldn't reveal their secret that easily either. Therefore, she wanted him to act like an acquaintance that wouldn't be suspected if had followed her around, that's why she instructed him to come to Emerald's diner beforehand and introduce himself as a friend of hers for their plan to commence.

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