Chapter 19: Revealing the Untold

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"I'm really thankful that you helped the kids when they got into trouble. Please tell me if there is some way I can repay your kindness." Mrs. Lewis expressed her deepest gratitude while bowing her head a little to Avy who was seated in front of her.

"It must be tough taking care of those children by yourself Mrs. Lewis. Do you have a husband?" Avy asked her to change the topic, looking at the direction of the noise where the kids were playing with Ares.

"My husband is long gone. I also don't have any family for I am raised in a brothel where I also worked until I was twenty-seven. My husband died seven years after we moved in this house, since I am unable to conceive a child, no one was left with me when he passed," the older woman answered, looking melancholy at her hands on top of the table.

"Those people who I worked with, in the brothel brought their child who they cannot take care of here in exchange for supporting the kids by sending money. Years passed and the number of kids being left in front of the door increased, and the parents also stopped sending support, but I didn't have the courage to give them away since I was making decent money to feed them," she continued

"How about now?" Avy knew how heavy the situation was, but pitying a strong woman who raised more than ten children on her own is not something she would be proud of doing. She just stared at her with serious eyes, waiting for her answer.

"We somehow get to survive by the money I get from repairing clothes. I don't want the kids to end up begging on the streets no matter what our circumstances would be," she said.

"I heard from ginger that you make dresses." Mrs. Lewis raised her head after hearing her statement and knew exactly what Avy was thinking the moment she saw her face.

"Yes. I used to make clothes for both lower nobles and commoners. But I am deeply sorry, I no longer accept offers." she gave her a closed-eyed smile and hid her hands under the table, but that didn't hide the fact that her whole body was slightly shaking.

"Figures. Since the owner of this territory opened her own boutique three months ago, they probably pulled some strings to make other shops close so they would face no competition. No wonder it was successful." Avy put her elbows on top of the table, making the tips of her fingers touch each other. With a wicked smile on her face and a dangerous glow in her eyes, she eyed the older woman like a business veteran.

"Make me some clothes, I'll make sure the kids would sleep and eat comfortably," she told her, but Mrs. Lewis could only shake her head.

"Marquis Heron is not the type of man to let go of trivial things easily. It may not only be dangerous for us, but they will also come after you, Young Lady. I don't want to risk your safety after you saved the lives of my children," she said with a compunctious look on her face.

"Oh. Didn't the kids tell you?" Avy stated, the older woman looked at her straight in the eye and witnessed how her golden-colored eyes turned into a beautiful shade of crimson blood.

"I'm sorry for the late introductions. My name is Avy. Avy Arkwright."


"Ahh... All we do is study and train all day. Aside from being quiet, your Mansion is no different from the palace." Light breathed out while he was lying on the grounds after another exhausting training session with Ciel. Since most of the adults were busy, they were only told to study and train on their own for a couple of weeks.

"It's not too late for you to leave, we'll even lend you a carriage so you don't have to call the Imperial Palace to pick you up," Ciel replied and he wipe his sweat dripping down his chin, completely uninterested in the young Prince's complaints.

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