Chapter 45: Purest affection

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"Are you okay, teacher?"

Avy didn't bother answering Clari's question and gestured for her and her brother who was standing next to him to sit on the couch across her which the two did without any words needed. Not too long after the incident, the young lady started to treat her better, or to be precise, started treating her like how Clion does. Although the sudden change of attitude didn't bother her that much, On the other hand, being called 'teacher' is a different topic.

Should we leave for today?

Clion's worried face peeked from behind the notepad that he was using to communicate as Avy stared at the gray cat who was drawing painfully heavy breaths while lying on a pillow on top of the small table between the chair where she was sitting and the couch that the twins occupied.

"You don't look good, teacher," Clari added, the same bothered eyes looking at her directly.

Avy stood and picked up the cat, cradling it gently in her arms. "It's fine, put your things on the table," she told them before walking towards her bed to place the feline to rest.

Ares, who has been walking around the mansion the past few days constantly reminded her that the cat will reach its end soon and the surprise will be able to show itself then. And no matter how much she asked, the servant just sneers at her and disappears, refusing to answer any question. Avy eventually got tired of squeezing him for answers and just let him be for the mean time, pouring her attention on teaching the children who has been staying too close, much to her dismay.

"Teacher what are we learning today?"

Teacher this, teacher that. She soon learned to accept the new nickname that she was bestowed upon after having herself forced to be an unpaid tutor for the twins. She strolled towards the two with a sigh and sat across them to then proceed on telling the story of how the empire was found, the knowledge she has been gathering by reading books ever since she entered her new body finally found its use.

If she were to be honest (which she wouldn't do for obvious reasons), she didn't dislike teaching and explaining things to the two children. They somewhat reminded her how Lucy listened to her theories and never ending ramblings on how absolutely beautiful and terrifying it would be if technology replaced the government. She saw the same innocent admiration that her bestfriend held in her eyes although often admitting she could barely understand what she says, still looks at her with obvious interest and engagement. She liked the feeling of being seen as a whole.

"You're the prettiest when you explain things, teacher."

Avy paused on reading when she heard the statement while the two kids were on a short break. She lifted her gaze and met a pair of identical eyes shining with awe.

"You think so?" she asked, amused, almost surprised.

Clion and Clari nodded their heads.

Like you know everything there is to know.

Avy's eyes lingered on every word that was written on the piece of paper that the boy held up. She didn't see any hint of malice on their faces.

"I hope our brother could see you like this, because you weren't the bad person the people painted you to be."

She smiled and let out a laugh. Putting her book down before looking back at the children.

"It doesn't matter how he, or anyone sees me as. Others' opinions don't contribute to my life," she leaned back on her chair as she paused. "Besides, I don't like your brother that way. You don't need to worry about it."

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