Chapter 40: Quiet Company

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Emerald Warde has always been a woman who was good with children even though the last child she lived under the same roof with was her baby brother, Clerivan who was five years younger than her. Maybe she was forced to become motherly to care for a set of grown children that refuses to eat and sleep to create things and completely loses track of time because of bonding with his sword, namely his father and brother respectively. It became her job after they no longer had their mother to look after them.

And it has been years ever since she got to take care of a child prodigy.

Emerald watched the child in the corner of her eyes, sitting on her far left manning the counter of the diner while reading a book that he got from her almost forgotten bookshelf inside her house. She was happy that the book of magic she bought years ago has finally able to see the light and maybe a potential owner that could make use of it brilliantly, but she was baffled how a young child was able to understand such a concept when normal kids his age would probably be wondering how to put on their clothes properly.

Clerivan, as a youngster, held quite the talent in wielding a sword that he became a swordmaster at the raw age of twenty then proceeded to be one of the most valued knights of the Arkwright Duchy after graduating with flying colors. Emerald was one of the many who were able to witness how her little brother got along well with wooden swords than people, at first it worried her that he wasn't having a normal childhood because of it. But she soon learned to accept that Clerivan was just born special, and he did seem happy doing what suited his ability rather than playing. She let him do what he wants since the purpose of being a child is to have fun, and it looked like he was the happiest when he was watching Lord Alcasser's second son, Lord Alistair train with his blade.

It has been more than a week ever since Lady Avy brought the child, who was introduced to her as Kill, into her house, and seven days after she volunteered to take care of him while the lady was away, she was already able to figure out what kind of kid the boy was.

Kill was intelligent and quiet. He doesn't talk unless it was necessary and spends his time reading books. Emerald also found out that he doesn't like taking things on a silver platter, volunteering to watch the counter because she was short-staffed after one of her employees asked for leave since her mother got sick and couldn't take care of herself. She was hesitant to give him something to do, after all, he was a guest that Lady Avy trusted her to take care of, she couldn't possibly ask him something in return for giving him a roof above his head.

But the boy insisted, hence, she asked him to just watch the counter instead although he seemed interested in bringing orders, nevertheless, he obeyed, knowing that he might just become an inconvenience since he's not really fit for the job.

When people asked Emerald who the boy was, she answered according to what Lady Avy told her. Lady Avy was supposed to be her distant cousin and they just moved to the capital to expect a better life, so she tells people that Kill is her cousin's son that was left in her care because his mother was working to support their life in the capital. It wasn't hard for her to lie because those who asked easily bought the things she told them, and the boy also knows what he would say when put in a situation.

"Are you waiting for Lady Avy's call?"

The night time came, and Kill was already seated on the chair in front of the vanity mirror inside the room that was provided for him to stay in. He watched the small communication stone with excitement and anticipation, waiting for it to glow, an indication that someone is calling. It may have been the only thing that he looks forward to every day.

Emerald sat on a chair next to him, looking at the boy with softness. He must've liked the lady so much.

Rumors really can't be trusted. She would often hear nasty things concerning the Arkwright duchy's only lady, and it never occurred to her that she was actually someone who is good around kids. When she asks Clerivan about it, he just answered with silence, sometimes telling her that Lady Avy is still the duke's daughter no matter what and she shouldn't talk badly about her.

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