Part 7

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Alex's POV

Honestly how does anyone ever get any work done when you're in the first throes of love? I can't concentrate at all. My mind and heart are far away with Emily and I've not got the faintest idea what Alpha Ray is currently saying. A nudge from Jake beside me has me shifting in my seat and trying to refocus. Rain is sat next to her father flicking her hair annoyingly and trying to catch my eye, but whilst yesterday that would have driven me mad, today I'm in a blissful bubble where nothing can ruin my mood.

"...increase the revenue for both our packs whilst weakening our rivals. Of course your pack would be enormously strengthened by Rain here and our closer alliance could expand to dominate the whole of North America as we move into both Canada and Mexico. I even predict possibilities in South America." Alpha Ray winks at me as I frown slightly. Whatever I missed in my daydream seems to have been pretty seismic and I don't like the sound of any of what he just said. Words like dominate make me extremely uneasy. Expanding sounds more like invading to my mind. My pack is already the biggest and strongest, I don't need to expand, and when he talks about rivals he's talking about his own rivals, not mine. I've made alliances with every pack in North America.

"Sounds great Pa" Rain purrs in her sickly sweet voice.

And even if I didn't have my own reservations, Rain's approval of the plan would be enough to make me say no. Anything that girl wants is generally bad news for others. And what did he say about my pack being strengthened by her? I glance at Jake, who simply raises his eyebrows and gives a slight shake of the head before mindlinking me, "Hoping you were paying enough attention to realise these wackos are crazy and we ain't doing any of what they just said."

"Agreed. Just fill in some of the blanks for me, Rain?"

Jake smirks at that, "Your new Luna obviously."

The thought almost makes me choke and Firenz lets out a loud growl in anger.

I turn back to Alpha Ray and try to be as diplomatic as possible with my no, "I'm sorry Alpha Ray but I cannot agree to your suggestions. My focus is on strengthening and taking care of my pack without expanding territories, it's just not necessary. And our revenue has almost doubled in the last year alone. I see no real benefits for us. I am happy to continue with our current alliance ensuring peace between our packs."

An almost identical scowl appears on both Alpha Ray and Rain's faces. I watch as Rain not so casually reaches over and pinches her father's arm.

"Perhaps we can leave some of the other elements for now and discuss them later but you must see how the issue of a Luna is no longer something you can ignore. Your pack needs one. It has been too long without a queen and my Rain would fill the role perfectly. There is no better choice and you know it."

Rain leaves her seat and struts towards me, perching herself on the edge of the table in front of me. She reaches out with a long painted nail to stroke up my thigh but I jerk away from her. She simply pouts and says in her most whiny voice (which I think is supposed to be seductive but really isn't) "You know I'd take good care of you Alex, I promise all your needs will be met." 

She licks her lips and then bites her lower lip. I feel nothing but disgust. Even if I hadn't met Emily yesterday, this display would be nauseating. The thought of Emily causes a small smile to creep on to my face. Little does Rain know that I've found my Luna. And I want to tell them. I want to shout it from the rooftops and boast to everyone that I've found her. But I can't do that yet. Not whilst Emily doesn't know about us and not until the mate bond is complete. It would put her at risk. Make her a target for others, a way to get to me.

"Rain I have been very clear in the past that I intend to wait for my true mate. My feelings haven't changed. Only my true soulmate will be Luna of the Silvermoon pack."

Instantly the scowl returns and her voice goes from sickly sweet to childishly demanding, "You're being stupid. You'll never find your mate, she doesn't exist. You have to choose me. I am meant to be the Luna of Silvermoon pack. Tell him Pa." She whirls back around to her father.

He too looks annoyed, "You're making a mistake. How long are you going to wait? You know there are plenty of others who want my girl, if you're not careful you'll lose her."

"Well if there's plenty of others then you can't be too disappointed with my answer" I smile back at them and rise to indicate the meeting is over. "A pleasure as always Alpha Ray but I have a meeting with Alpha Norris." And without a backwards glance I stroll out of the room pulling my phone out my pocket as I go.

How's your day going? I miss your beautiful face.

These meetings are mind numbingly boring and all I can think about is you. Xx

Two minutes later and a picture message comes back through. Emily lying on a sunlounger in a bikini, holding up a frozen cocktail to the camera with a big grin on her face. I groan in frustration which earns a quizzical look from Jake who is striding alongside me. "Emily's torturing me" I say as I show him the picture.

He laughs and just adds to the torture by saying "Only three more meetings to get through."

I let out another groan before quickly replying to Emily as we enter the next meeting room where Alpha Norris and his Beta are already waiting for us. Ready for several more hours of torture before I can see my girl again.

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