Part 23

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(Alex's POV)

I look around in all directions but can't see anyone yet. Glancing at my watch it's 11.43pm. My heart is pounding and I can feel a headache forming between my eyes from stress and lack of sleep, but I know the only cure is having Emily back in my arms safely. I stare into the darkness wondering where they are. I know Jake won't have broken his word so why aren't they here? Just as panic that something has gone wrong starts to set in, there's a rustling to my right. Whipping around I'm not even really surprised to see Alpha Ray emerging from the trees followed by Rain. Over the last day I've had a lot of time to think and their names kept popping into my head.

"Evening baby" Rain coos, strutting towards me. Alpha Ray just smiles, "Thank you for coming."

I glare at them with every ounce of hostility I possess but say nothing. There's still no sign of Emily.

Five more guards appear behind me, creating a thin line that subtly cuts me off from my territory. I realise that two of their scents are familiar. The wolves who attacked Em in that alley in Vegas several weeks ago. Even then Rain was trying to get rid of Emily.

Then Firenz lets out a whimper as we both catch a whiff of her scent through the trees.

They drag her out, hands bound with chains and my heart squeezes at the sight of her pale trembling body. She's barely covered in a thin night dress and her arms and legs are covered with dark bruises and deep cuts. Her hair is wet and hanging loosely down covering her face. She doesn't look up. I want to run to her, my hands shake and I have to clench them closed trying to hide my anger and disgust. Timing is everything.

They pull on the chains until she stands in the centre of the stone platform. Alpha Ray smirks at me, "She won't be your problem for much longer" I stay silent knowing he's trying to taunt me. But his words have the effect of making Em look up as though she's just realised I'm there. Her eyes widen and she looks at me with desperate hope, she whispers my name so faintly but having not heard her voice in over 24 hours it hits me right in the soul.

I'm still unable to speak, to reassure her. Her eyes are sunken above dark bags showing how the last few hours of captivity have affected her. More bruises and cuts indicate the abuse she has suffered.

Suddenly there's an excited clapping of hands from my left as Rain skips into view, "Shall we begin."

"Yes, let's" Alpha Ray smiles, while I still stand silently, waiting to see exactly what it is they want.

"So here's what's going to happen. First you will reject your little human mate here, severing your bond and then banishing her from this side of the pond. My friend Asla here will perform some little memory tricks," A small pixie like teenager who must be a witch gives me a cheeky smile and little wave from Alpha Ray's side. "Then you will claim Rain as your new mate and Luna before the moon goddess tonight. If you follow all these instructions then Emily will be released without further harm. Asla will do a few more memory wipes and voila, everything will go to how it was meant to be. You won't even miss her."

He smiles at me expectantly, as though I'm supposed to react with glee to his absurd declaration.

"Of course" he pauses, "If you don't do as I have so generously asked...I'll kill Emily." He gestures towards her casually. The two guards with her step forwards. One of them holds a knife in his hand. "The choice is yours. Give her up and she can still live a happy little life back in good old England, or refuse and watch as we cut her throat in front of you."

My mind whirs with the news of Alpha Ray's plans. Choices and decisions fly through my head as I try to calculate possibilities. The probabilities of getting Em out of here safely. The risk of trying it and failing. The thought of taking Alpha Ray's deal, of marrying Rain, even if I don't remember Em still makes me feel physically sick. But she would live. And if she doesn't remember me then she could live happily. Surely that matters more than anything?

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