7: I Need Your Blessings

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"So you mean to suggest this enhanced form of Wei Ying's Golden Thread will help?"

"Yes, Shufu. Wuxian-di's Golden Thread is already pretty much impenetrable, only he can dismiss it. The enhanced form, according to what Wangji said, is something that will effectively trap whatever is inside. I didn't quite get the details, though... Wangji?"

"It's trapping everything within, right down to the air," Lan Wangji replied.

"Good, so the energy of the sceptre won't be able to get out in anyway?"

"Yes, Shufu," both nephews replied.

"This sounds effective. I've been trying to control it but the sceptre's too dark. It might start running wild soon, so we better get things cleared. We'll ask Wei Ying about this method of his when he comes..." Lan Qiren's voice faded as he heard a cheerful shout across the compound. The three Lans standing out in the open turned around to see Jingyi running to pick Meilien up and tossing her up and down.


"Yiyi, she's a bit tired with the lessons, could you find her something to eat?"

"Yes, Daddy! Meilien, come," Jingyi carried her and ran to the Kitchen.

No shouting in Cloud Recesses. No running in Cloud Recesses. Lan Qiren shook his head with a hopeless sigh. I might as well just bring that wall down.

"Shifu!" Both Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying walked over and bowed to him.

"Mn, you're here."

"Good to see you, Shifu," Wei Wuxian beamed before skipping over to his husband and taking his hand. "Darling, hi!"

"Mn. Shufu was asking about your method."

"Ah, yes, I came for that. Shufu..." Wei Wuxian began explaining the mechanism of his discovery.

In the meantime, Jiang Cheng had slowly wandered to Xichen's side. Neither spoke a word.

Wanyin? When did you come?

Jiang Cheng blinked thrice before he realised Xichen was speaking through the connection of the Lotus Heart locket. Hours ago.

Why didn't you come to find me?

You were busy. Waited outside but you and Shifu kept talking and then Lan Wangji joined in. Figured it won't end soon so I went to see A-Xian. And you guys are still talking?

Wanyin, it's serious. That thing nearly killed your brother and did kill my brother. Better deal with it fast.

Yes, yes, I guess so.

Lan Xichen watched him pouting as he listened to Wei Ying droning on. Wanyin's angry?

Said who?

Just that my honey looks vexed.

Jiang Cheng gulped.

Grinning, Lan Xichen continued, Is there anything wrong, honey?

Quit with the buttering up.

I'm not buttering you up, I'm honeying you up, honey, Lan Xichen covered his mouth should Qiren wonder what was up with his sudden grin.

Tch, idiot, Jiang Cheng crimsoned and looked away from the group into a hall nearby.

Shaking his head slightly, Lan Xichen returned his attention to Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng was bored to death. He always had been the one to take part in the action but all the discussions before it all was just plain boring. His head twisted left and right as he looked for something interesting. Suddenly, he spotted his brother's hand. Tightly gripping his husband's.

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