Chapter 14 - Trouble

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Sneaking by Wei Shenglan's side, Ye Xi looked at him directly. Seems that he didn't sleep on his stomach today, which reduced the possibility of him growing facial paralysis.

Wei Shenglan glanced at her and thought, 'This girl must be planning to meddle around again. What a troublesome girl.'

Compassion felt wonderful and made people more tolerant. It had been proven to be more effective than any Chicken Soup story. Before, Wei Shenglan could only tolerate Ye Xi's offenses three times. But now, he could tolerate more since Ye Xi was doing so out of care.

This time, he decided to look away.

The male lead unexpectedly failed to get my message. Didn't he realize that the female lead got herself into trouble?

Ye Xi thought so as she rushed towards the staircase, bumping into a glass-wearing man holding a book.

"Hello, Teacher," Ye Xi greeted.

"Um," The teacher smiled and nodded, then asked, "Which class are you from?"

Stunned, Ye Xi lied, "Class 6."

She was enrolled in Class 1.

The teacher nodded, passed by Ye Xi, and headed towards Class 1.

Ye Xi let out a sigh of relief, thinking how smart her move had been.

Having dealt with this trivial matter, Ye Xi headed towards the school shopping center, where she assumed An Mudie went to buy water. Before she even reached the shopping center, she found An Mudie surrounded by several girls along a walkway leading to the playground.

There was our female lead, who just got trapped for a reason as trivial as buying water.

Ye Xi saw that the bullies failed to notice her arrival, so she quietly crept behind the trees and slowly approached them.

Before she even reached them, she heard them the utter classic dialogue.

Girl A: "Are you the commoner who dared to throw noodles at Ah Lan?"

An Mudie: "No, I didn't mean to! I was careless! It was an accident!"

Girl B: Don't you try to talk your way out of this! You wanted to attract Prince Lan's attention!"

Girl A: "I didn't expect you to be so cunning. You're just an ugly commoner."

Girl C: "Xiu Xiu she must have not recognized the difference between life and death. We don't have to tell her more.

It turned out to be Ding Xiuxiu

Peeking out from behind the tree, Ye Xi discovered the school's number one beauty. Today was only An Mudie's second day in school, yet the school beauty had already found An Mudie for trouble. What amazing dedication!

Ding Xiuxiu smiled coldly, "Apparently, you won't learn unless I taught you a lesson. Hit her!"

Girl B and C raised their hands and prepared to hit An Mudie.

Ye Xi took a half-step forward but hesitated. She ought to help, but according to her years of novel-reading, this should be a crucial scene. Either someone would come to quell the situation or the girls would beat An Mudie up. Following the latter scenario, the male lead should coincidentally notice the female lead in her injured state while still brimming with bravery, be moved, and then fall in love with her.

Blood and tears always usher the beginning of love.

I shouldn't help her! This moment determines whether An Mudie could or couldn't regain her female lead status!!!

Ye Xi gritted her teeth.

Girl B and Girl C fought with An Mudie fiercely, but they failed to win against her.

A Mudie skillfully knocked down each girl while saying, "Sorry, I am sorry, I didn't mean to..."

She even shocked Ding Xiuxiu with her fighting skills as the school beauty paled and retreated.

The girl An Mudie threw down went mad. She grabbed An Mudie's ankle, parted her red-painted lips, and bit down fiercely.

This unexpected move caught An Mudie off guard. It hurt her ankle and brought back memories of her being bitten by dogs. Terrified, she kicked the girl and screamed as she backed away.

You... What are you doing?"

A gentle voice rang out.

The voice shocked everyone.

Ye Xi looked at the newcomer and got excited. If she remembered correctly, this handsome-looking boy with sensible features as part of this school's F4.

Sure enough, nothing can obscure the female lead's aura.

Even if she currently didn't hold the lead role, she still fared better than the other characters.

An Mudie's fear vanished as she heard this unexpected voice. She looked at the speaker and found out that he had attractive features and set of clear gentle eyes. He must be an angel!

After a momentary pause, Ding Xiuxiu suddenly morphed into a pitiful character and said, "Ah Xi, help me! This weird girl suddenly came over to fight with us. She's scary..."

An Mudie regained her calm and refuted the accusation, "I- I didn't!"

The other two got up and chorused.

"Yes, she is terrible!"

"This commoner is horrible!"

Shangguan Xi sighed and said, "It's time for the next class to start. Let's go back first."

Ding Xiuxiu displayed an unwilling expression.

Shangguan Xi tried to placate her with a smile and said, "There are so many of you here, you won't be able to explain yourselves to the teacher if you make a fuss right now."

When An Mudie heard him say these words, she got annoyed. "I already said I didn't start this!"

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