Chapter 113: Rock (2)

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Wei Shenglan shook his head and said, "Xiao Hai and I found this together. It was probably dug by adventurers in the past and the pit is about three meters deep. There is nothing on top, so Xiao Hai and I were planning to use this pit to capture prey. Therefore, we supported the pit with criss crossed tree branches and covered the top with a layer of leaves. Who knew that we didn't capture any prey, so we left out of disappointment."

"Before you guys left, you guys forgot to take the tree branches and leaves away?" Ye Xi guessed.

"Mhm." Wei Shenglan nodded.

What's a man's halo?

This is it!

Normally, if people had forgotten to take away the tree branches and leaves, it wouldn't be bad guys falling into the trap, but tourists passing by or adventurers. If the people who fell down found out about this, they would've definitely seeked compensation.

Wei Shenglan moved closer to Ye Xi and said in a low voice, "You're still thinking about that."

Ye Xi was speechless. Damn. She almost forgot that he could read her mind.

She was too careless.

Ye Xi smiled at him and tried her best to relax her thoughts.

The rocks were either the size of a jar or the size of her fist. Either she couldn't carry it or it wouldn't be able to knock someone out; these weren't good stones.

Ye Xi turned over the weeds that had been growing for many years and up to her thighs. She finally found a rock that was about a foot wide buried deep in the weeds. She tried lifting it to feel the weight; it was pretty heavy, but it comforted her.

One couldn't explain the feeling of finding a perfect rock just the size for knocking someone out.

Right now, everyone had found suitable rocks. They all walked up to a meter or so away from the pit, raising their rocks and tossing it down.


"What the f*ck! What is this stupid thing?"

They heard shrieks and curses from under the pit, but it only lasted for a short period of time.

Everyone didn't pay attention to the noises, but they all glanced at Ding Xiuxiu who was having trouble carrying the rock.

Ding Xiuxiu felt conflicted and said, "If someone dies because of this, won't I be murdering them?"

Everyone stared at the fist-sized rock.

Ye Xi said, "Your rock will probably have difficulty knocking out a mouse, not to mention a person."

Ding Xiuxiu's face flushed and said, "What do you know? All good things are small."

Ye Xi snorted and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Once she finished saying this, she suddenly thought of something. She didn't know whether it was good or bad. Then, she just wanted to jump into the pit and not see anyone anymore. Damn. She was being careless again.

Ye Xi looked towards Wei Shenglan and he was also looking at her. Seeing her looking at ihm, he immediately shifted his gaze.

Humans were strange creatures. If they were embarrassed, they would think everyone was looking at them. But if they noticed that other people were embarrassed, a strange feeling of confidence would rise in their hearts. Not only would they forget that they were embarrassed, they would even want to tease them.

This was Ye Xi right now.

She really wanted to tease Wei Shenglan, but she didn't forget their situation right now. Therefore, she didn't say anything to ruin the atmosphere, but rather looked away from him. She stared at Ding Xiuxiu instead and said, "Toss it. Even if you toss a hundred of these rocks, no one will die. Not to mention they probably would dodge the rock."

Ding Xiuxiu took a deep breath and tossed the rock.

Then, they heard low laughters and one of them seemed to be complaining, "What is this? They're looking down on us?"


What stupid kidnappers are they? While they were under control, they dared to make fun of them, saying that the rocks weren't even serving its purpose?

Ye Xi and the others couldn't bear to look at Ding Xiuxiu, even feeling pitiful towards her.

Ding Xiuxiu remained silent momentarily and felt like she was despised against, feeling humiliated. This made her angry.

She knitted her eyebrows and felt strength generating in her body.

Ding Xiuxiu turned around and walked towards a rock as big as the size of a washbowl. She did everything she could to carry this rock and walked towards the pit with difficulty. She dropped the rock and ran as far as she could.

As expected, a few shots fired from the pit and thankfully Ding Xiuxiu ran quickly; the bullets had barely missed her.

"Damn it. Leader, don't die on us!"

They heard a mournful call from the pit.

Ding Xiuxiu had lingering fear and she patted her chest. When she heard the voice, she first felt proud of herself and then looked bitterly at them.

"Do you think he actually died?"

"It depends." Wei Shenglan responded and then said, "Let's continue."

They immediately went around to collect stones.

They threw a lot of rocks, about six per person.

Ding Xiuxiu was so tired that she couldn't walk anymore, saying, "This should be enough now."

Ye Xi looked towards Wei Shenglan since he had the power of reading people's minds. From that, they could verify whether the people in the pit actually fainted or not. One could pretend to faint on the surface, but there was no way to faint with a conscious mind. They can't pretend to do so because people's thoughts were subconscious in some ways. Even though humans were owners of their bodies, they can't completely control their thoughts.

Wei Shenglan nodded, saying, "This is probably enough. Now, let's decide who's going down to grab the guns."

Everyone remained silent again, unable to maintain the fine atmosphere when they all worked together.

"I'll go." Luo Nuanfeng had said this.

Everyone looked towards him, surprised.

Luo Nuanfeng smiled and said, "One of my favorite hobbies is rock climbing. Compared to you guys, I'm clearly more suitable."

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