Chapter 79 - The Cat's Out of the Bag (3)

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“It’s a good time right now. Aren’t you going to play games with Ye Xi?”

“And why are you bringing this up?”

“Actually, when I went to look for Ye Xi at the cyber cafe, she was surrounded by guys who were pretending that they wanted to play with her, but they were actually just there to hit on her. Think about it, if she doesn’t play with us, then she’ll go to the cyber cafe. Then, she’ll meet a lot of guys that way. What will we do if she gets cheated?”

“She’s not that stupid.” After he said that, Wei Shenglan closed the door.

Nan Gonghai had already said what he wanted to say, so he did not hang around. He returned to his room and went to the window.

From his window, he could see the situation at the entrance.

And as he expected, he saw Wei Shenglan who was dressed in all black leaving the house just a moment later.

A textbook example of doing the exact opposite of what you implied you would.

Wei Shenglan had not gone too far when he saw Ye Xi who was coming over.

Under the streetlight, the girl’s long hair was slightly flowing in her wind, and her skirt was swaying. A soft light shrouded her body.

He remembered the first time he met her outside of the school. In her heart, she called him a boy that gave off his own light, and even said that though this light would appear mottled on someone else, it would only add to his luster.

Perhaps this was what she meant. He thought he was being ridiculed at the time so he didn’t care about it, nor did he keep it in mind.

But right at this moment, when he saw her walking over, he suddenly realized that it was actually a compliment.

“Ye Xi…” He called out softly.

Ye Xi stopped right in front of him and raised her head, asking, “Is Nan Gonghai in?”

The lingering sense of admiration in Wei Shenglan turned into a gust of wind in an instant. A gust of cold wind.

“What’s wrong?” He didn’t want to tell her that Nan Gonghai was in the dorm at all.

Speaking of which, Ye Xi and Nan Gonghai seemed pretty close to each other. They would always play games with each other and they would even call each other intimately with nicknames like “Meowmeowmeow” and “Kawaii”. Moreover, they also played games alone almost every day!

The more he thought about it, the more angry Wei Shenglan felt. He added, “He’s not inside!”

Ye Xi frowned. “Then where is he?”

She’s even getting angry that she can’t see him?

Wei Shenglan was even more angry now. He felt like Nan Gonghai had betrayed him. He appeared to have no thoughts about Ye Xi on the surface, but he was secretly seducing her in private.

“No idea.” Wei Shenglan’s tone was now slightly cold.

However, Ye Xi did not notice that. She was still immersed in the rage of wanting to beat Nan Gonghai up.

Suddenly, Ye Xi froze. Why is she so stupid? She can just call to ask where he was!

Ye Xi made an effort to take out her phone, but Wei Shenglan caught her hand, preventing her from doing so.

“What?”Even though Ye Xi had always felt that Wei Shenglan was a little childish, and a little aloof, but he wasn’t one to just kick up a fuss out of nothing. At this moment, she really did not believe that he was just kicking up a fuss, and felt that he really must have some business with her.

“Um…” Wei Shenglan spent some time trying to find an excuse, and he finally said, “I have something I need to look for. Can you help me out?”

“Sure.” Ye Xi readily agreed.

If she wanted to beat up Nan Gonghai, she could do that anytime. But if something is lost, it may not ever turn up if you don’t look for it in a timely manner.

Beat Nan Gonghai up?

Wei Shenglan’s expression stiffened a little.

However, it was too late now to tell her that Nan Gonghai was in the dorm.

He suddenly regretted how impulsive he was. He should have tried to figure out what Ye Xi wanted to do before answering.

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