Chapter 121: Restaurant (1)

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People came and went on the streets. Every so often, someone would turn around to look at Ye Xi and the group.

The six of them all belonged to the upper tier of young men and women who had great looks and bearing. For them to be standing right outside the police station felt strange no matter how you looked at it. They didn't look like people who would do bad things.

There were no mosquitoes flying around or bugs to crawl all over them here, only dust and wind. There were also no traffickers with guns here, only a group of passers-by who seem to notice a change in the scenery at their side from time to time. It was safe here. At the very least, there wasn't the need to hold their guards against any criminals.

Ye Xi felt relaxed inside and couldn't help but stretch her back a bit. Before she came out of her stretch, a few luxury cars had driven over from the end of the street, one after another, which attracted the crowd's attention.

First, one of the cars stopped right in front of them and many men clad in black suits stepped out from it.

The luxury cars were all stopped right in front of Ye Xi and her group while a middle-aged man in a black suit came out from the driver's seat of each car. In unison, they walked over to the back and opened the rear passenger doors.

One after another, a group of graceful and beautiful wealthy women and vigorous, middle-aged men came out from the cars.

The men in black surrounded these people who looked like they came from the upper class.

Ye Xi recognized one of them as her parents.

This scene almost looked like they were all gathered for a round table meeting.

As someone who has lived as a humble citizen for more than twenty years, she didn't feel honored to be in such a situation now, and even felt the need to cover her face in shame.

Isn't it enough to just be a low-profile rich person?

But these bigwigs couldn't hear Ye Xi's thoughts, so they continued on as usual. Then, they each found their own child, went over to them, and fussed over their health.

Ye Xi looked towards her parents.

Mother Ye came in front of Ye Xi and took her in her arms. With a sob in her voice, she said, "You nearly scared me to death. Are you alright? Were you hungry? Are you hurt anywhere?"

This was the first time Ye Xi had experienced such straightforward concern. It came so suddenly that it was a little overwhelming for her. But quickly, her body followed its instincts and she returned the embrace of this woman who stood just about the same height as her. She stroked her back and said, "It's ok, I'm fine."

Oh...Mother Ye's snot or tears dropped on her neck.

But are they tears or snot!!!

It bothers me a lot okay??

Ye Xi endured the feeling and continued patting Mother Ye's back.

Ding Xiuxiu stood beside her and heard Ye Xi's response while talking to her parents, which instantly brought up some bad memories. She couldn't help but butt in and say, "So, that's the double negative you were talking about, right?"

Ye Xi: ...

No need to be petty with a kid, this is one of the skills every adult should know.

Ye Xi pretended not to have heard Ding Xiuxiu's question and continued talking with her mother.

Seeing how she ignored her, Ding Xiuxiu didn't say anything either. After spending a whole day in the forest, she had already exercised her mind. She has now received the ability to face being ignored, despised, and all the other things she hated in the past.

After Mother Ye was done worrying over her, she let her go and wiped her own eyes, saying, "I was too worried and it ended up disturbing my pregnancy so I'll have to go abroad to recover for quite a while before I can return."

Ye Xi looked at her stomach and didn't ask why she couldn't just recover locally. Instead, she asked, "Are you alright?"

Mother Ye shook her head. "Just about. We have a plane to catch so we'll be going first, alright?"

Ye Xi: ...

What the hell do you mean your pregnancy was disturbed, you're clearly just going overseas to have fun and just used my situation as an excuse since we happened to clash.

The world of adults truly is dirty.

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