Chapter 111: Run (3)

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Ye Xi and the others worked very hard to pick a lot of them. Since they all wore track suits, they could stuff them into their pockets. It might affect their appearance and walking, but compared to starving to death, this was nothing.

Ding Xiuxiu had the habit of bringing a scarf with her, and the scarf was about a square meter when spread out. They could turn it into a bag like the olden days and pack a dozen of them there.

Ding Xiuxiu felt a little proud about this and kept mentioning that she actually expected that they may face danger, so that's why she would bring a scarf with her every day. It wasn't because of beauty!

Everyone smiled and did not speak.

The atmosphere was quite good until an additional bullet was lodged into the tree. Some wood chips splattered out and a muffled noise could be heard.

"Run!" Ye Xi's first response was to shout, then she ran towards the closest tree nearby.

The others were woken up by Ye Xi's voice and immediately ran with her.

After one bullet appeared, and Ye Xi's voice rang out, many noises broke out towards them in an instant.

Ye Xi had no time to care whether anyone had gotten shot. She only knew that she had to run.

At the source of the bullet, several men dressed in camouflage walked out. While chasing towards the direction where they ran, they never stopped firing their guns.

Bullets were fired out like they were free, and they all whistled through the air.

However, not one of them fell. All their figures gradually disappeared between the crisscrossing woods.

The bullets perfectly evaded all its targets.

The person at the front snorted and said, "Follow them."

The others at the side nodded and chased after them.

Ye Xi and the others ran and ran. After running for a long time, she was just about to mention that it seemed like the coast was clear, but as soon as her feet slowed, they caught up.

Bullets began flying wildly in the air once more.

So, they could only continue running.

"Run this way." Wei Shenglan suddenly changed directions.

Nan Gonghai looked over and followed him. Ye Xi believed in his male lead IQ and also the fact that Nan Gonghai was not a fool who would listen to whatever people said. Because of this double trust, she also took a hard turn and followed them.

When the rest saw that, they didn't even care whether following them would lead to their deaths. Anyway, the situation couldn't get worse, so they all followed him.

The surrounding scenery did not change much. The ground was still covered in weeds and flowers, but the trees in this direction were increasingly scarce.

While Ye Xi was still feeling puzzled, she saw Wei Shenglan swerving a bit to the side. So, she followed, and the several people behind her followed as well.

But after about two meters, Wei Shenglan went back on track again.

Ye Xi followed him back, and so did the rest.

They kept going forward, and the trees were even fewer here now, so the probability of being hit by a bullet was higher.

Ye Xi was just about to ask what was going on when she suddenly heard an exclamation from behind her.

Wei Shenglan stopped.

Ye Xi and the rest didn't understand, so they all stopped as well. But with how suddenly they pulled their brakes, they nearly fell over.

They all crashed into each other.

Wei Shenglan went over to pull Ye Xi away and helped her stabilize her body.

Ding Xiuxiu was a girl, and the rest of them were all gentlemen, so they were too embarrassed to touch her. So, she could only bend over in a sad tragedy and fell to her knees.

Ding Xiuxiu: ...

After a moment of silence, she climbed back up without saying anything.

Right now, she was a strong, unyielding, and brave school beauty.

She can climb up by herself!

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