5. Secret 2

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It started 2 months back. I found a cute gift box inside my studio. There was a bracelet with infinity sign inside that box. I thought that my manager put it there , after receiving it from an Army. So i decided to ask about it from manager. I decided to wear it bcz it seems nice. But i forgot to inquire manager regarding it.
Namjoon said without a break. Jin and hoseok seemed so focused.

After few hours, i recieved a text message. It was from an unknown number. It just said "thank you". So i ignored it. But after one minute i received another text. It also said "thank you for wearing it."
And most importantly it was attached with a picture. And the picture was my hand wearing the new bracelet. I was confused because i never upload any photo of me wearing that bracelet.  And it was only few hours since i got it. So i went to my manager. Surprisingly it wasn't him who put that gift in my studio. So someone might have entered the studio without my knowledge.  So i checked cctv for any clue. But it was only members and my manager who entered the studio that day. I was dumbfounded. But again i thought it was a member who is  trying to  prank me. But it wasn't one of you guys. I think you two rembered it. I ask about a gift box 2 months ago. Namjoon asked looking towards his hyungs.

Yeah, i remember you asked us about a gift box.  But i assumed it's not something to be serious about. It might have been a saseng. Jin states.

Yes hyung . I also thought like that. But managernim found something else. There was a letter inside the letter box. I missed it becuse it was underneath the box. This is the letter.
Namjoon picked out his phone and search for the photo he clicked on the letter.

My sweet Namjoonie,
First i want to say that I LOVE YOU. I really love you. I wasn't planning to tell you my feelings. Actually i didn't even wanted to accept my feelings either. But everything become unstoppable. So i gave in to my feelings. I am really sorry for loving you. I tried and tried not to love you. But i failed. At first it felt so wrong to love you. But now i know it's the best feeling in the world. Don't worry i will protect you from everything from now on. Just so you know, i am really strong:). And i will be with you everytime. Now that i love you i won't stop loving you. I love you to the infinity. That's why i choose this bracelet for ourselves. It's a couple bracelet. I hope you like it. And i will keep buying you little gifts. Please wear them. I love it.

I am not some freak. So please don't be scared. I won't ever hurt you. I will come in front of you one day, when you starts to love me too. Hope it will be happening soon.

Just any nickname you like to call me.

After reading this i facepalm my self for bieng stupid. I shouldn't have wear it. It was a big mistake to wear a gift from unknown source. I felt like i started giving that person hopes. So i instantly remove it from my hand. And i dialled the number that texted me. But it wasn't reachable. So i leave him a mesaage saying,

I really appreciate your gift for me. But  i can't accept it and i just saw your letter. It was really confusing. And i think you also confused with your own feelings. So i hope you get a hold of yourself. And i appreciate it if you stop interviewing in my life outside the camera.

I forgot about the whole incident after that message.  And i even installed a new lock to my studio. But after 2 days i got a reply. It was solely about his love. How much he love me. How he try to ignore his feelings.  And how he failed to do that. And now how he is loving it all about loving me. And same day i found a letter in a red envelop. It was slid under my studio door. I checked cctv. But it was so dark in the hallway to see the person clearly. Only a shadow can be found. I didn't read the letter. I put it in the drawer. And i instantly change my phone number. And informed staff to tight the security. Namjoon sighed remembering all those things. He continued again.

But from that day onwards i got letters continuously.  Sometimes they were attached to my costumes. And sometimes inside our company vehicle. Now i have over 50 letters in my drawer. In same red colour envelopes.

And miraculously he was able to find my new number. He continuously send me photos he clicked on me. Not only inside the building, thre was photos in aiport, cafes i went, hotels we stayed during shoots. He practically stalked me everywhere despite the tight security we have. And from his mesages i got to know that he like taking photos. Sometimes he even sent me little poets also.

Managernim tried his best to catch the person. Because we were sure that he was someone from the staff. Otherwise he won't know where i am going. But we couldn't find him.

That person was really clever. I don't know how he managed to do all that.
Namjoon looked so fed up with everything. He looks disappointed.

But real problem started just 3 weeks ago. He started to threaten me.
Jin and j hope look tensed hearing that.
He started to threaten me saying not to talk with some of our staff members. He told me that they are really bad people. And they have bad intentions. And of course i didn't pay attention to his bullshit. But suddenly one of staff member came to me and told me that he is sorry. I didn't know why he was apologising to me. And yeah he was a little close to us. He just apologized to me and went away. The very next day i found out that he quit from the job. I was dumbfounded. Then i read the text my stalker sent me. It was his doing. According to him he saved me from people with bad intentions. I got furious and rebuke him through text. But he didn't stop his threats. Sometimes he asked me to not to wear certain dresses. If i didn't listen to him , next minute i will find those dresses all ruined. We tried all sort of things to catch this person. But all went in vain. And Bang pdnim increases the security to our dorm. That's the only place that stalker don't have access...yet . He said that yet word with a heavy tone.

So what happened next. Hoseok talk for the first time.

Just last week was the most terrible thing happened. I was supposed to go meet an artist who wanted my help with his lyrics. Pd nim asked me to meet him. We planned to have a dinner together.  But my stalker get to know it and asked me to not to go. He didn't like that artist at all. As usual i ignored him. Can you guys imagine what that freak did? 
He spiked my food. He added sleeping pills to my coffee. Namjoon looked pissed saying that.
That was the limit. Pd nim hired some people without you guys knowing to control the situation. They were the only one who can interact with us since last week. Our food also got double checked by them. As you know i changed my number too. Only members , pd nim, managernim and my family has my new number. He ended his frustrating story just like that.

Yahhh, why didn't you tell us this whole situation? Hoseok looks furious. He is really close with Namjoon. So he will sure get upset.

I was asked not to , by pd nim. He thought everything will get solved after hiring this new people. And we even move to the new building.  So security is good. As he thought, everything seems normal since the coffee incident.

So how taehyung got involved in it?

To be continued.......

Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

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