Chapter 56

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"Hey!" I said happily, taking in a deep breath. "Come in!"

Asher tried to bite back a smile at my whisper and said, "You know, I dream about coming over here and not having to hide from your family someday."

"Someday!" I agreed with a wink.

I led him over to the leather couch and sat down, trying not to blush as he placed his arm over the back of the couch and suspiciously close to my shoulders. I cleaned up the scrapbooks and restacked them in order before turning to face him.

"How was your Christmas?" I demanded, excited to hear about his day. I wondered what sort of traditions his family had, and what he had gotten for gifts. What would he even like as a present?

"It was alright! My parents were working most of the day, but we had dinner as a family, which was good!" He said, eyes dropping to the couch as he thought about it.

"Oh yeah, they're cops, right? I guess they don't get holidays off..." I said as some of the pieces started to come together in my mind. No wonder Asher was so independent. I wondered how much time he had to spend at his house, waiting for his parents to get home. I pictured him making dinner alone in his kitchen, and I ached at the sad familiarity. I could empathize.

"Yeah, but they managed to get a little time free today, which was great. How was your Christmas?" he asked, looking at me eagerly. My heart warmed at the fact that he seemed so genuinely interested in me despite his day being hard.

"It was really good," I replied, trying to act nonchalant. He smirked and the corners of his eyes crinkled as it spread into a smile.

"You had an amazing day, didn't you?" he asked, sensing what I was trying to hide.

"Yes!" I exploded after hesitating. "It was the best day of my life."

"I'm glad to hear it!" He said, and it looked like he really was. I told him greater detail and asked more specific questions about his day while trying to keep my volume low. I could hear the loud gunshots from the movie room and hoped they wouldn't hear anything over them.

I guess I was looking over my shoulder for a second too long because Asher chuckled.

"Worried about your brothers?" he asked knowingly. His eyebrows raised like a villain in an old melodrama and the dim light made his face light in interesting ways. I brushed a hand through my hair and thought about the best answer to give him.

Finally, I grimaced. "Maybe a little. Does that bother you?" I didn't know if he wanted to feel like a secret, or he had to hide. I wanted to be honest with them, just not quite yet.

"It's okay, Maya. If my family was as protective as yours, I'd probably keep us a secret too." He pointed a finger between the two of us and I tried not to smile at that.

"Oh yeah? You've only seen Damon," I teased. "Wait till you meet Dominic."

"I think I can handle it. People tend to think I'm very mature and responsible." He said, stiffening up and giving me a gentlemanly look, reminiscent of the first day I met him.

"Ahh, so it's all an act," I said, grinning at him. "You almost had me fooled."

He leaned forward, grabbing my chin, and tipping it towards him so his eyes were looking directly into mine. I held my breath until he let go.

"Yep, and it worked on you. Now let's see if I can fool them." He winked, so I knew he was kidding.

"I bet you can," I said after consideration. "Dominic is a marshmallow inside and Damon is all talk. Brooks and Caleb would probably like you automatically because I like you." I thought about the way the boys tried to protect me everywhere we went and reconsidered. "Or maybe not."

We both laughed whispery laughs and leaned back, looking at the ceiling together.

"Yeah," Asher said. "I mean, your brothers aren't so bad. It's your dad that's creeping me out."

Like ice was shooting through my veins, I froze in place and looked at him in utter shock and confusion. He was still looking at the ceiling, and absentmindedly fiddling with one of his shoelaces.

He spoke, still calm, while I was the antithesis. "The other day he showed up at my house and warned me to be careful. We're not even officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. But I guess he's just protective, like your brothers." He looked down at me and his limbs locked as he took in my expression.

"What's wrong? Maya? Are you okay?" he placed a hand on my shoulder and shook me, trying to wake me up. I blinked as the ice cracked and I realized what had happened.

"What did my dad look like, Asher?" I asked calmly, as my body fell back into its old routine with a relieved sigh. My muscles locked and tensed for battle, my mind began to race, and my heart picked up its pace like a roaring train. It happened so naturally. It was as if my body had always known he would come back.

"Sort of like you?" He said, unsure of himself, but breathing a little more steadily when he realized I would be okay.

"He had reddish-brown hair, blue eyes, black jacket on, jeans." He said, closing his eyes to try to remember. They shot open when I didn't answer, and he leaned over me. I could smell his minty breath and see his gray eyes scanning me. I stood up abruptly and walked to the door.

"I think you should go now," I suggested monotonously, pressing down on the knob, and opening it for him. He got up and walked to the door, looking at me with fear deep in his eyes.

"What's wrong Maya? Don't shut down on me again." He said, but he stepped outside and moved away from me, giving me space.

"I don't have a dad, Asher," I explained as the pit in my stomach grew, and anxiety swept through me. I gulped in fear, swallowing the pain that I thought I wouldn't have to taste again.

"So... who was I talking to then?" he asked in complete confusion.

"That was my uncle. He's come back for me."

And just like that, I fell back into who I was. I wasn't fearless, I wasn't strong, but I could keep myself alive. And that was all that mattered.


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