4: I'm Never Getting Married

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There's a painful object protruding right into the side of my butt. Feeling down south I find...

My phone.

I pull it out of my pocket and try to bring it to life, only for the screen to remain black. I moan, twisting, sheets stiffer than usual, oddly smelling like a lemony softener. I snuggle into them, enjoying the clean scent and crisp feel of the fabric. My head is groggy but all the pain I had experienced the night before is now a distant memory.

Sighing, I bury my face into the delightful goose-feather pillow...


I don't have one of these.

My neck cranks up, my brows pulling as I stare at the grey cotton pillow cover. Mine is cream-colored. I dig my face into it again, snapping back up only to do it one more time.

Definitely not my pillow.

My legs pounce me up but they're twisted in the sheets, making me fall over then roll off the bed like a graceful ballerina...


I jump up with my knotted hair in my face, wondering where the heck I am and what happened after the hospital. Pacing back and forth, I try to figure out if it's safe for me to venture out of the room.

I mean I'm not a prisoner...


Blowing out a deep breath, I walk to the thing that's either giving me privacy or keeping me prisoner. Bouncing on my toes, I shake out the muscles in my arms, loosening them as if I'm about to go all Rocky Balboa on the door.

My hand touches the handle and my eyes glance over to the side, a mirror showing off me in all my morning glory. My eyes have huge purplish bags under them, my face pale and exhausted from all the pain I had been put through last night. My ratted, frizzy hair sticks to my forehead and those baby hairs lift off my head in one big frizzy halo.

The worst part is my jaw. It's crooked. I clench my teeth at night and when I'm stressed out during the day. My jaw has gotten so bad that when I eat a burger I have to push the top right side of my jaw in so that I can take a bite out of it.




Yes, it's annoying.

When I had gone to a specialist about it they said that my disk had slid out of place. They made me a plastic, not fun to wear, night guard. Needless to say, I did not have my handy dandy night guard since people tried to break into my motel last night and I had abandoned it, along with my duffle bag for safety.  So, I woke up to this pretty sight.

Mother of pearl!

I push my jaw in, the cracking echoing in my head like heavy popcorn kernels being poured into a kettle. I open it up to make sure it's a-okay then my hands get to work trying to revamp my hair into a neater messy bun.

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