25: Stitches

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Inspired by my wonderful and amazing friend Yelena❤️, I have decided to do a little contest! 😲 Whoever is the first to comment will get a creative dedication in the next update I post! I will continue this through the remainder of the book if it goes well ❤️Not sure if anyone will be interested but if you are comment quickly to win your crown and dedication 😁

P.S. If you like fantasy and epic writing go check out her books! I am obsessed 😍😍😍

Okay, now onto the new chapter!

My body is tense, my side itching and my mind revolving around the need to scratch at the foreign substance

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My body is tense, my side itching and my mind revolving around the need to scratch at the foreign substance. My fingers are twitching with need, begging me to take action

I hate stitches.

I'm in override mode so I had to stop working on the last remaining things for Ellie's shop. My hands refused to keep still, and my mind couldn't extract itself from focusing on the thick sutures lacing up my side.

So, now I'm sitting propped up against the barn wall, my arms over my knees and my eyes zoned in on my hands. They're drooped as if dead and the only indication of my muscles working are the tiny jerks of my fingers, knocking into one another.

The door creaks open, and someone sits next to me, but I don't move to see who it is, instead, I continue to try my best to numb my mind. It's quiet for a while. The only sounds are the creaking boards, animals in the distance, and birds chirping.

The sun spears through the cracks in the barn, hitting the dust particles in the air that are usually invisible. Something about how they hover around my fingers calms me and my hands relax.

"Ellie's worried about you." Quinn shifts, the barn wall whining as he pushes his back into it.

"How is she today? Her feet?" I ask.

"She's good. Stayin' off them like she's been ordered to. Hear yesterday you yelled at her for tryin' to get a glass of milk."

"Yeah, she kicked me out after that and told me to come back tonight with apology Chinese takeout" My gaze shifts to the power tools, my eyes connecting with each one. "How can you all want me around when I've brought all this physical pain to her."

Quinn chuckles, but it's humorless and dry. "Addie got hurt because of me. Tyler tried forcing himself on her then pulled her down by her hair."

My fists clench. "He did that?"

"Yep," Quinn responds, leaning his head back, his Stetson tilting up. "His dad sold the ranch to Nick unbeknownst to me at the time and he thought I had done it. Addie was unfortunately targeted because of it."

My knuckles crack from the tightness of my fists. "It's still not the same."

Quinn is silent then opens his mouth to say something but stops. His brows pinch together and his features tense. "When she had come to stop me from killin' Tyler, her lips were so red and chapped that they were bleedin' because she scrubbed them so hard. Her skin was pink and raw and her eyes had been rimmed with red irritation from crying. All because I had made her a target for selfishly loving her."

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