Caught in His Arms

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It had been two weeks since you accepted to make a blessing-tipped sniper rifle for Striker. But for some reason, he hadn't heard anything from you. He tried to check on you but he only found out that you were not home and your shop was closed for some reason. He tried to call you but you didn't answer. He even tried to ask your friend Vick but Vick wasn't at the tavern as she closed her tavern until further notice lately.

Right now, Striker was at his room lying against the bed with his arms fold behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

Then he ended up recalling your words before you left the other night.

"You want to know if I know Divinos? Try figure it out yourself."

Figure it out yourself, you said.

You only wanted him to find out if you're associated with Divinos instead of giving him your answer.

Striker sighed in dismay, knowing that he had no luck on finding out whether you knew Divinos or not.

Suddenly, he heard knocking and got up from his bed, walking towards the door. Striker opened the door but when he did, he found no one was there. Except, he found something on the ground. Picking it up, Striker noticed it was an invitation to some sort of event.

"An invitation?" He recognized.

The message of this invitation said, "You're cordially invited to the important dinner hosted by Lord Divinos."

Staring at the invitation, Striker began to wonder what did Divinos want.

He rode his horse as he went to Divinos' manor somewhere in the Wrath Ring. It was a good thing that Striker received the address according to the invite.

As he arrived, the pink pale-skinned Imp noticed a tall Imp with a burst fade haircut, standing at the manor's entrance.

"Welcome to the Lahash Manor, Senor Striker," he greeted. "The name's Valor, I'm Lord Divinos's confidant."

Striker followed Valor.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Manor, you were with Vick, walking around in the room you're in. But for some reason, you were clinging onto Vick's arm.

"C'mon, chica. You're not a little girl clinging onto her mama's arm." said Vick.

"Nope. No, no, no, no, nope. You cannot leave me here all by myself, dealing with those... those... those..." You finally finished your irritated sentence by saying, "Those high shit heels!"

"How can you forget to remember how to walk with wearing these kinds of shoes?" Vick asked.

"Because they're the pain in the ass." you grumbled as you answered Vick's question.

You kicked those black high heels off your feet and walked towards the bed. You slumped against the mattress.

"You know you can't skip tonight's important dinner with your family." she said, "Not to mention, I heard from Valor that an important guest is coming tonight too."

"I'm not going," you bluntly refused as you turned to your right side, showing your back at Vick. "Besides, I bet it's nothing but a business dinner."

Vick sighed as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Now what am I gonna do with you?"

The Latina Imp hummed to herself and snapped her fingers, as if she got an idea.

"Unless you attend, I won't give you Hellberry Sunset for a week."

You then looked back at her, giving her an unamused look.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now