Cornered by Seduction

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After your sudden yet unexpected encounter with Striker at the stairways, you were angrily walking through the hallway. Along the way, however, Striker followed you.

"For fuck's sake, would you stop following me?!" you exclaimed, irritated, as you stopped walking and turned around to send Striker a scowl.

"Only if you tell me why you wearin' that lovely dress of yours." Striker replied with a smirk staring down at your dark dress.

You crossed your arms, ignoring his question. "I can't believe he invited you to this ridiculous dinner."

"So you knew Divinos then."

You growled, seething with irritation.

"Let me guess. He told you all about me?"

"Not all about you, I'm 'fraid. He only told me that he knew you for the long time." he explained.

"Tch. Didn't expect him to be so secretive." you commented.

"Look who's talkin'. Divinos ain't the one who's been keepin' secrets."

You groaned in dismay. But you couldn't disagree, he did had a point.

"You haven't answer my question the other night."

You scoffed, "Didn't I tell you to figure it out yourself?"

"You did, but I got nothing. Even tried to call you but you didn't answer..."

"Well..." you looked away as you remembered when you got here on the other night.

You confronted Divinos in order to find out his connection with Striker, but you ended up spending your time with him and your brothers. Not only that, Divinos confiscated your Hellphone until further notice, much to your dismay.

That explained why Striker couldn't reach you.

"It's... a long story." you answered as you walked past Striker.

But just when you did, Striker grabbed your arm firmly, but not that tight.

You looked back at him.

"I'm not done with you yet." he said with a stern tone.

"I have nothing to say to you." you retorted once more.

All of the sudden, Striker dragged you and shoved you into the nearby dark silk curtains. The curtains engulfed you and Striker. You then found yourself in the dark while you were pinned against the wall by Striker.

You noticed the look on his face; both impatient and irritated, and yet wicked.

"I'm gettin' tired of you playin' mind games on me... Now you gonna tell me what's your connection with Divinos."

"Or you'll what? Strangle me again just like when I stole your rifle from you?" you replied, undeterred by his intimidation, as you clenched your hands on the curtains behind you.

Striker stared at you for the moment before he gave you a wicked grin.

"Actually, I have a better idea..."

"What are you..."

Just when you were about to ask, you suddenly gave a sudden yelp as you felt something around your thigh. You felt something rubbing on your thigh and looked down the half of his tail go under your skirt caressing your thigh, much to your dismay.

"If you think you get your answer about my connection with him by using sexual harassment, then you're fucking dead wrong!!" you glared as you tried to ignore Striker's tail touching your bare thigh.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now