He's dead

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I open my eyes slowly blinking a few times. I realize I'm not in my room and that's when everything hits me. The last thing I remember is being at the house while the alarm is going off. I quickly sit up noticing I'm not in a familiar room.

I get up from the bed looking around the room. I turn on the lamp next to the bed so I can get a better look at the dark room. I walk over to the window opening the curtain to look outside.

It's already dark out so I'm assuming it's late at night. I reach for the window trying to see if I can open it but it's no use since the window doesn't open.

I sigh as I move away from the window. I see a door and quickly walk over to it. I try to open the door feeling a little relieved when the door opens. I walk out of the room starting to make my way through the hallways.

I come up to a living room and see the tv is on. "You're awake?" I jump at the sudden voice. I turn in the direction of the voice seeing  Franco in the kitchen. "Where am I? What am I doing here?" I ask looking at him.

His back was turned towards me so he turns around to face me. "I told you, you're boyfriend owes me." He says taking a sip of his drink. "What does that have to do with me?" I ask crossing my arms.

"It has everything to do with you. You see your boyfriend took someone I loved very much away from me. He's done a lot of things to me but taking my son from me was the worst thing he's done. And I want him to feel what it's like to have the person you love the most taken from you." He tells me.

"I don't believe you. Josh would never kill someone innocent." I glare at him. "Oh sweet Brooklyn I never said he killed my son. He's still alive, in fact you know him." He says grabbing my arm.

He leads me to one of the chairs at the table in the dinning room and sits me down. He grabs his drink then sits down across from me.

"Long story short after I left the organization I did some things. Things I'm not going into detail about but the guy who ran things at the time tried to stop me. What I didn't know at the time was that Josh and my son were good friends." He says taking a sip of his drink.

"Josh made sure to put my son against me. He hates me so much that he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. As he said the last time I saw him I'm dead to him." He explains.

"So what does that have to do with me? You and I both know you can't make me hate Josh. You're just waisting your time." I tell him. He shakes his head laughing.

"Oh but I'm not. I already know I can't do anything to put you against Josh. But you have to understand that he took the only thing I loved. And since I can't do what he did, my only other option is to kill you." He says.

"You think killing me is the answer? It's not Josh his just going to get revenge and then in a month or two he'll move on. What about your son? What would he think if he found out that you killed me as part of your revenge? Who is your son anyways?" I ask him.

"That's where your wrong Brooklyn. Josh loves you. He won't as you say 'get revenge then move on'. You mean something to him and that make you the perfect target." He chuckles.

He looks over at me staring at me. "Like I said you know him very well. You guys are really close actually. He even lives with you." He starts. I raise an eyebrow even more confused as he speaks. "Cooper is my son." Franco says. My eyes widen when he mentions Cooper. "Cooper?" I ask shocked.

"Yes Cooper." He nods. "My point exactly, Cooper and I are best friends. He's like my brother if you kill me he's going to hate you even more. Are you really willing to loose your son even more than you already have?" I look at Franco.

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