😔 sad sad 😔

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Warning: sad shit, alcohol abuse, more sad shit and cussing.

Y/n pov

They're gone.

All of them up and left.

Not even a goodbye.

Only a note that said they were leaving.

I've never felt so broken.My heart hurts, my body hurts, everything hurts.

What hurts me most is the thought that I may never see my family ever again.

After reading the note my first thought was Bella. I remember driving to her house to give her the comfort I know she may need. Hearing that she was nowhere to be found pained me more.

Pretty much the whole town was at Charlie's house trying to find out where she could've gone. I could never forget the look on Charlie's face when Sam brought her back to him. It seemed as if the whole town was finally calmed when they knew she was safe again.

I didn't stay though. I thought Charlie needed to be with his daughter just as much as she may need to be with him. The comfort from family seemed better than a friends.

I went home that night with a bag full of all the liquor I could afford and drank til I couldn't remember my pain or the reason why the pain was there in the first place.

I felt happy.

So whenever I ran out I got more.

And more.

And more.

This went on for weeks until it was like a routine.

Drink, go to work, get home and drink again.

No sleep. No eating just drinking. Drinking the thoughts away. The pain, the nightmares, the memories.

I haven't heard from Bella. I heard she started hanging out on the reservation. Good for her.

I went to take a sip of my whiskey but nothing came out. Guess its about time to get more, I get my keys and drive to the closest store. I can't really afford much since I've been slacking on work so I get one bottle.

Once I get home I start drinking and after a while I fall asleep.

I wake up on the floor,

Where the hell am I?

I get up and look around, I'm outside and there's someone here. Wait no there's two people. Their laughing and smiling, they look so in love. Wait that's me and......


No no no stop.


I woke up in cold sweat, panting as if I just ran a mile.

I need to drink. I go to grab my bottle but shit, it's empty. I check my wallet to see if I have enough for another bottle and I do, good. I get my keys and rush to the car.

My head starts pounding but I need more alcohol before I sleep.

I must've dosed off at the wheel cause when i come to there's a deer in the middle of the road and im speeding.

I swerve just missing the deer but I hit a tree instead.


Everything is so still. So.... quiet.

"Y/n wake-up. Please."

Who's calling me?

"Please im sorry."

I try to open my heavy eye lids and I make out that little bit of blonde hair. Carlisle.

He's here. He came back to me.

I smile the smallest of smiles but my body starts getting heavy and my head starts spinning.

Am I dying?

No, I must've passed out. I can still hear everything. There's yelling, and beeping. A hospital?

I'm being moved around I think. I can't tell there's too much going on. They're putting something on my face, It's making me sleepy. I'm so tired but I want to see him again I can't sleep. Everything is getting numb. I finally let darkness consume me.

I feel someone holding my hand. I open my eyes but everything's dark I'm in a....room? What the hell is this. Whoever was holding my hand is gone but I still feel them. There touch lingers on my hand.

I can hear someone talking. Wait no there's a few people.

"I cant hear her thoughts anymore."

Edward? Is he talking about me?

I start banging on the walls of this dark room and yell,


He can't hear me though. No matter how loud or how hard I bang on these walls none of them can hear me.

The nurse says that I'm in a coma or something. But I'm not. Im here they just can't hear me.

Why can't they hear me?

I'm so scared. I've been in here for what seems like years but is only a few days from what the nurse said.

I hate this. I can hear everything. I can feel everything. The hand never left. It's carlisle. Esme came to tell him he needs to feed. But he refuses to leave my side. He needs to leave. He needs to feed. Why won't he feed?

More time passed im still in a 'coma'. I still hear everything. I hear carlisles dry sobs. I hear him beg for me to wake up. I want to I really do but I can't. I want to talk and tell him he needs to eat, that the kids need him. That I forgive him. But I can't. I'm stuck in this dark room.

I want to get out but there's nothing. No door. No light. Nothing.

Carlisle pov

I hate this. I hate watching as she lies here not moving. I hate that she can't breath on her own. I hate that nobody knows if she'll ever wake up.

I'm a mess.

I miss her so much. I deeply regret leaving her. I should have never left. I should've been by her side telling her how much I love her and how much she means to me.

The others said to just turn her but that's not fair to her. What if she doesn't want to be a vampire.
What if she doesn't want to spend her life with me.

It's selfish but I don't want her to leave me. I don't want her to resent me. To hate me for what I've done.


<That's where I'm ending lol I made my mom read it with the song playing on repeat and she cried so I think I did good kshdjskd did u have fun I hope u did cause that was a interesting ride.>

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