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It was mermaid hunters and of course they knew where we where because this is such a safe haven......or at least was.

One of five jumped in the water.He had scuba equipment on and was swimming right near us.

I quietly said to Jasper"should I you know do something?"

I looked behind us and there where a huddle of people and then I heard a ladys voice saying"get out of my way!"

They cleared and it was her..........Ms.Dawn!!!!

I thought I had taken care of her!

I looked at her again and saw burn marks on her arm.Did I do that?

She said"get em I want justice and I want to be a million air soon so get em!"

I looked at Jasper and he just shook his head nooooooo!

I noddend knowing I had done enough today and I obeyed his wish of me not blowing this place to smitherines!

Then I felt something latch onto my tail what was it?

I looked at it and it was a tag and someone shot it in my tail and where my calf is suposed to be.

I also felt that someone was holding my tail.

With one wooosh of my tail that scuba diver was knocked out and on the other side of the cave.

I said to Jasper"help me up I want to surprise them"

He helped me up and out of the water and onto the rocky cave side.

In about 30 I had legs again.

I started screaming in pain because the tag was in my calf and I was in agganny!

I opeaned the latch that had medal teeth now they were dripping blood.

Jasper gasped at the tiny blood pool.

I said to him"help hold off the crack heads while I cure my leg!"

He nodded and heavely breathed.

He said to the scientists(aka:crack heads)"stay back or else!"

One near Ms.D said"or what"

I busted in the conversation"or I will kill all of you!"

Ms.Dawn said"oh and then I supose you have powers to do so?"

I said"whats it too you,pluse its none of your buzzness!"

She said"oh so you dont?"

I said"oh you want to see some real power okay!"

I quickly healed up my gushing leg.

I stould up and Jasper said"no you cant hurt them!!!!!"

I said surprised he would defend these people who wanted to kill us"oh and why not?"

He said"remember how I said my mom had died from child birth?"

I said"yeah so whats this got to do with them!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~ 

Who is Jaspers Mom? 

Why did he say to milly to not hurt them? 

Will they be captured again or not?

Read more to find out in the next ch! 

Thanks for reading!!!!! 


(Hey Alexis!Shout out thanks for reading!)

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