Ch.39-Boy trouble!

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Jasper sat up from his other form his privious position.

He said"Milly,I'm glade to see yoooouuu.Where are we?"

I said "well willow winded up kidnapping me.Then I found out that her real name is Eris.Then you came in with all bruised and unconscious.The next thing that happened is that Dusk is on there side not ours.Dusk and Eris are retaliated also."

He said"am I still half unconscious or was that pretty hard to follow?"

Dusk and Eris both said"your still half unconscious!"

He said"well Milly now I'm cought up right?"

I said "yeah!"

Dusk said "Milly,I was acting like I did have feelings for you now I really do.I loved it when we made out."

I said "oh please not now Dusk!"

He said "oh yeah I felt like I was actually alive when I bit you"

Jasper screamed"Dusk did what?"

Dusk said"what's so hard to follow there the fact that I bit her or the fact that I saw more of her than you have?"

Jasper said"is that true you let him drink some of your blood?"

I said"yeah,but I was hormone crazed"

Dusk took my chin to took at his face then he leaned in.

He kissed me and I was in discuss!

I can't believe he would actually kiss me after admitting he didn't have feelings for me!(maybe he didn't have any feelings at all)

I broke the kiss and he said"what a pitty I could of had fun with you!"

I said "no your not bitch!"

Eris said"oh,Milly you have so mutch power but its wasted on you!"

I said "no its not!I am more powerful than you and your power you have you don't deserve it!"

She said"well at least I know that I can wipe out the whole mortal race with just my power alone!"

I said"you wouldnt dare!"

She said "watch me I can do whaterver I want to do!"



Boston was bombed.

please pray for those people and families who where effected by the bombing.

~I will be praying for Boston!


Milly the Mermaids Tail!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora