Ch.28-True Loves Kiss

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~~~~~Jasper's POV~~~~~

I said"kiss her im not going to stop you"

Dusk said"well I would If I was her true love,but im not!"

I said"so who is it?"

He said"YOU!"

I said"I am?"

He said"yes,I know that because I can see the future"

 I said"really,I get to be with her again"

He said"yeah as long as you dont break her heart!"

I said"why would I when I have been missurable without her.Also I know who my true love is"

He said"what are you waiting for KISS HER!"

I leaned in to my sleeping beauty and I kissed her.

~~~~~~Milly POV~~~~~~

I felt a touch on my lips.

I then realised I was being kissed.

My eyes flittered opean and saw Jasper.

I sat up and my head was hurting really bad.

I looked down and realised I didnt have a shirt on.

I looked at Dusk and said"what happened and why dont I have a shirt on?"

He said"wellllllll.......Jasper!"

Jasper said"hey dont look at me I didnt bite her!"

I yelled"You BITE ME!"

Jasper said "yep he did and made you almost die"

I said"uhhhhh you shouldnt of done that Dusk!"

  I threw him across the room and he hit the wall.

I walked over to him and said"any last words Dusk?"

He said muffled with his throat closing up"you tould me to"

I realesed my mind grip on him and said"I did or are you lieing?"

  He said"yes you did I can show you!"

I said"sure shoot!"

He said"okay step over her and we shall go back in that momment of time"

I said"yeah right"

I walked into my mirror and I was suddenly over there with Dusk saying "bite me"

I said to present Dusk"oh sorry about the almost killing you thing.I believe you now"

He said"good lets go before you see what happens next"

We walked back into the portal.

Now that we where in present time I looked at the clock it said"10:00pm"

I said"crap my parents will be home at 12"

They both looked at eachother and walked to Jasper and gave him a big bear hug"

I  said"Dusk can you give us some alone time togather.Just ,Jasper and I"

  He said"oh yeah I will go"

I said with my fingers in Jasper's hair"sooooo,now im guessing we are back togather"

He kissed me on my lips and said"does that answer your question?"

I said"yes,Jasper"his name felt so good to say once more!


Whoooooo! Jasper and Milly are back togather!

I love Jasper and Milly being togather again!

What will happen next who knows what will happen next?

There will be probaly more charachters and other "fantacy"creatures soon!



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