Chapter 2: Picnic with a prince

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Princess Ashley opened her eyes and saw Prince Derek sitting at the desk.

Ashley: Where am I? And where's my necklace?
Derek: Hm? Oh, you're awake.

He walked to the bed and sat next to her.

Derek: You're in my room. And I'm not sure where your necklace is.
Ashley: What? I mean-uh, why am I in your room?
Derek: You passed out after the enemy attacked. Do you remember that?
Ashley: Barely, yes. I remember whoever it was, trying to take me. After that I don't remember anything.
Derek: I see. Well, we saw these lightning bolts and then the enemy vanished. That's when you passed out. We're not sure if that was from you or something else.
Ashley: Those lighting bolts couldn't have been from me. Wait, how long was I out for?
Derek: The whole night. It's 6 in the morning now.

She jumped up from his bed.

Derek: Your friends were also worried about you, so I told them that I'd make sure you're okay.
Ashley: Let me get this straight: I was passed out for the whole night, I wake up in your bed and you watched me all night?
Derek: When you say it like that it sounds like a bad thing.
Ashley: Did we...sleep in the same bed?

Prince Derek smirked. She sighed and sat back down on the bed. He chuckled.

Derek: I slept on the other bed here. But maybe next time we can.

He winked at her. They laughed.

Ashley: Thank you for making sure I'm okay.
Derek: You're welcome Princess. So, after last night my parents said that they're keeping everyone here. They think that someone here may have created an opening for the enemy to enter. You'll still be able to go roam around the palace but you can't go out.
Ashley: What? We're being held here against our will?
Derek: Yes but it's to protect everyone.
Ashley: My parents, especially my brother, is going to ask for me back in Azariah.
Derek: We already sent messages to the kingdoms and they all understand the situation.

Princess Ashley angrily sighed.

Ashley: So much for Lexia being a safe place for me to be. There's nothing I can do about it. Is it okay if I go to the ballroom to find my daggers and necklace?
Derek: Sure, just don't be too long.

She walked out of his room and walked quietly to the ballroom.

In the ballroom

Princess Ashley looked for her daggers and couldn't find them after 10 minutes of searching. She decided to go back to Prince Derek's room. When she turned to go back, she slipped on a crystal and fell, landing in a push-up position. Just then, Prince Lukas came.

Lukas: Are you okay?

She blushed.

Ashley: Oh, good morning Prince Lukas. Yes I'm fine, I just tripped over a crystal.

She stood up and picked up the crystal.

Lukas: Yes, good morning. I want to thank you for saving me yesterday. I'm sure my brother told you about everything.
Ashley: You're welcome. Yes he did. I just came to look for my daggers and necklace incase it dropped here but no luck. All I found is this crystal from the necklace.
Lukas: Oh, I hope you don't mind.

He held out her daggers.

Lukas: I wanted to keep them safe for you.

She took them.

Ashley: Thank you. But what about my necklace, have you seen it?
Lukas: I also took your necklace to fix it. The chain snapped, and it seems I missed a crystal.

He gave her a box with the necklace inside.

Ashley: That was so kind of you. Thank you Prince Lukas.
Lukas: You're welcome Princess Ashley. Let me put it on for you.

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