Chapter 7: Last day

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03:00 the next day

There was a knock on Princess Ashley's door. Princess Ashley groaned.

Ashley: Come in. Whoever is stupid enough to wake me so early is going to get it!

Prince Derek entered her room and sat next to her on the bed.

Derek: I know it's pretty early-
Ashley: You're right about that.
Derek: I have a surprise for you before you leave.

Princess Ashley sat up in bed and he put his arm around her shoulder.

Derek: Just put on something simple and meet me in the ballroom. Okay Princess?
Ashley: No, I'm going back to sleep.
Derek: Come on. Please? For me?

He looked at her with puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

Ashley: Fine, only because I can't get back to sleep.
Derek: Thanks Princess! See you there.

He kissed her forehead and left her room. She forced herself out of bed and got ready.

In the ballroom

Princess Ashley walked into the ballroom wearing a purple crop top and black baggy pants.

Ashley: This surprise better be worth missing sleep.
Derek: Now that you said that I'm thinking twice.
Ashley: What are you planning?
Derek: Let's do something fun.
Ashley: Like what?

He winked and smiled teasingly.

Ashley: No! I'm too young!
Derek: I haven't even said anything yet.
Ashley: You said something with your face.
Derek: You're thinking so wrong Princess.

She blushed and laughed nervously.

Derek: You can choose anything you want to do, and we'll both do it.
Ashley: You're joking, aren't you?

He shook his head and held her hands.

Derek: I want our last moments together to be as memorable as our first.

He blushed.

Ashley: Okay. How about we sneak into the kitchen and grab all the food we can eat.
Derek: Of course she chose something tough to do. Sounds like a plan!

They quietly walked to the kitchen. When they got there, they tried to open the door but it was locked. Prince Derek created a vine and managed to unlock it. They went inside and started searching for some nice food. After a while, they had gotten their food. They both had lots of sweet foods and other snacks.

Ashley: *whispering* You can choose where to go next.
Derek: *whispering*How about my room to watch some movies?
Ashley: *whisper shouting* Sure!

They quietly made their way to Prince Derek's room with all their food. Inside his room, they put their food on the bed. Princess Ashley sat on his bed while Prince Derek grabbed some pillows and blankets. He then sat with her on the bed and they made themselves comfortable.

Derek and Ashley: What do you want to watch? You can choose. No you can, I'm fine with anything.

After a few seconds of silence, they burst out laughing.

Ashley: Seriously, you choose.
Derek: If you insist. I choose something scary, really scary.
Ashley: Are you sure you want something scary?
Derek: Yes. But we can choose something else if you're a scaredy-cat.
Ashley: I'm not scared.
Derek: Prove it then.
Ashley: I-I will prove it. I'll be proving that I'm scared as a baby.

Prince Derek started the movie.


All the royals were in the throne room, waiting for Queen Lexia and King Darrell to speak.

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