Message from the author

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Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this story. I hope y'all really enjoyed it and please tell me your opinions.

Keep a look out for my next story:

Keep a look out for my next story:

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My Werewolf Crush

Jazlyn's best friend, Jason has been missing for a few months now. After Jason's disappearance, there has been reports of a beast that roams the city. One night Jazlyn and Aaron go looking for the beast and they find it, but also find something- or someone- else too...

Jazlyn also starts getting visits from the spirits of her deceased family. And she finds out that werewolves exist! Unfortunately for them, humans and werewolves are enemies. After some time, Jazlyn finds out that she's meant to being peace between werewolves and humans. But that will be hard to do since she first has to find out how it all started. And with people that can't be trusted, she has to be extra careful.

Will they find out how the war started? What secrets will they uncover? Can Jazlyn find the truth and stop the war?

There is no exact date of when I'll start posting the book but I will as soon as I can. I just ask that you please be patient with me.

Enjoy your day/night and be safe! Byeeeee💜💜

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