Chapter 3: Sneaking in

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10 at night

Azariah, in the ballroom

Raya: Maybe it was a mistake to send Ashley to the ball?
Alex: I'm worried too but I'm sure she's fine. She's probably got both princes looking after her.

Prince Alex winked and Queen Raya rolled her eyes.

Alex: Or she's the one protecting the princes.
Raya: I'll go with her protecting the princes.

They laughed.

Raya: Where is your father? He's been gone since after dinner.
Alex: I don't-

Just then, Damien and Cassandra came in.

Cassandra: Prince Alex, we've got another attack!
Alex: That's the third one today.
Damien: We don't understand why they're still attacking here if they're after Princess Ashley.
Alex: Let's just be glad that there isn't another attack in Lexia.
Raya: Alex, go help defend. I'll find your father.
Alex: Alright Mother. Cassandra, let's go! Damien, stay with the queen.

They nodded and Cassandra and Prince Alex ran outside. Queen Raya and Damien went to the library.

Lexia, in Princess Ashley's room

She heard a soft knock on the door and Princess Lydia came in.

She heard a soft knock on the door and Princess Lydia came in

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(Princess Lydia's outfit🔝. She has her hair open)

(Princess Ashley's outfit🔝

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(Princess Ashley's outfit🔝. She has her hair in a high ponytail)

Lydia: Have you snuck into someplace you're not supposed to enter, before this?
Ashley: Yes so please don't tell anyone.

They chuckled.

Lydia: I have my sceptre with me. It's in it's smaller form right now.
Ashley: Great. I'll just bring a flashlight.

They heard another knock on the door.

Ashley: Who is it?
Lukas: It's Pegasus.

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