Chapter 2 : The New Duchess

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            The northern fortress was a jewel in the middle of the snow. At this time of year, a thick layer covered everything, blocking most activities. But the residence of the Shield of Gentem remained warm, and for a good reason: hot springs were found around and in the fortress. A source of stable income, but also a stable temperature, regardless of the season. Moreover, it gave a mystical look to the huge building, surrounded by water vapor in this early spring.
             All this, Lev and Flavia did not see at all. With less than two minutes to go, they were still trying to make themselves presentable, so that no one would speculate about their carriage ride. It was easier for the Duke, who was able to hide his crumpled shirt from his wife's hands under his jacket. Things were more difficult for Flavia. It took two of them to put back her dress, which, surprisingly, was not crumpled. One of the properties of the fabric, according to his wife.
             A good thing.
             Nevertheless, there was no way that all the guests see her post-orgasm expression. Lev told her clearly by pulling the veil down over her face, while confirming that it was quite practical for the moment. Not knowing what he was talking about, because she had not seen herself, Flavia accepted since she was still wearing her veil anyway.
             In the courtyard of the fortress, all the guests were waiting for them. The curtains of the carriage had been reopened, which gave Flavia a good view of the world in presence. Damn! She had not expected that all the guests of the Cathedral would be there!
             In any case, Lev made her leave the carriage courteously... Before realizing that his wife's panties were lying on one of the benches. Quick as a flash, he grabbed it and stuffed it in his pants pocket before anyone could see.
             The heart attack would come later.
             Flavia, she realized that her underwear was missing as soon as she walked among the guests. But it was much too late to look for it. For then, it was necessary to smile to all this beautiful world and to pretend not to understand the full of pity undertones of the guests. The poor man, married to such an ugly woman...
             -A speech from the groom!
             The meal had already started a while ago, and the request came from Lev's father. Flavia looked at the Duke, who was frowning. They hadn't had time to really talk since their arrival. But she had enjoyed the Fortress's grand reception hall, white and blue, with crystal chandeliers. It was beautiful.
             -A speech? What for?
             The Shield of Gentem seemed to have little taste for his father's initiative. All the glances were turned towards them, in a silence of death. Uneasy, Flavia lowered the nose.
             -To tell us why you agreed to this marriage, even though she is the wrong bride, said Irvin Clypeus.
             -It's certainly not up to you to decide if she's the wrong bride, said Lev. And certainly not to the bunch of ungrateful freeloaders you brought to my house.
             Ouch, Flavia thought. All the guests looked at each other, wondering who the freeloader was, without thinking that it was everyone.
             -It's your wedding and you're one of the four Dukes of Gentem. You must have a wedding to suit you, retorted her father.
             -Yeah, I'm one of the four Dukes, and if I could have decided on my wedding, I would never have invited all these people I don't give a shit about. I would have invited the other four Protectors, their children, the King and his family, but certainly not you, Father.
             -You're still such a tightwad.
             -Screw you. That's the fifth time you've tried to sell me as merchandise. And you dare to complain about my wife on your sixth attempt? In front of her? In front of all the guests? I think the ruder of the two of us is you.
             -Don't talk to me like that! I am your father!
             -And I'm your Duke, Lev snapped, his eyes shining with rage. It's high time you remembered that. So, kneel before my duchess, and beg her forgiveness for your insult.
              The silence became even deeper. Flavia looked at the guests, concentrated for the scene, ready to make of it the next day. But she also saw the servants, the guards. All had stopped their service, to listen attentively to what was happening, a satisfied smile on their lips. Hm?
             When she saw Irvin of Clypeus kneel before her, she almost jumped. Lev put his hand on hers, as if to tell her not to move.
             -I apologize.
             -To whom? her husband shouted, intractable.
             -To your wife!
             -To the Duchess of Clypeus, he corrected him. The wife of the Shield of Gentem, the wife of the Protector of the North.
             Flavia forgot the rest. She hadn't realized that. She had not thought so much about marrying the Duke that she had not thought for a moment about what it would mean. With a "yes," she had become a duchess.
             Oh... well... blood.
             Lev's father repeated his words, humiliated as can be. Then he returned to the reception table, with his wife and daughters.
             -Good. Now that the misunderstanding is cleared up, thundered the Duke, I expect my wife to be addressed with the respect she deserves. I hope to have made myself understood well.
            The reception resumed its course, as if the incident were usual. The servants resumed their duties, their faces impassive like the guards. Hm...
            The wine was starting to flow, as well as the stronger alcohols. From what Flavia understood, it was Lev's father who had organized the reception, at the expense of his son, who originally did not want to get married. Apparently, he had planned to get everyone in attendance drunk. It seemed that only the Duke and her did not touch alcohol. Lost in her thoughts, the new bride did not realize how much time had passed.
            She was now the wife of the Northern Protector. One of the five most powerful people after the king.
             The kingdom of Gentem was gigantic, but protected by thick walls. The reason for this was very simple: beyond these walls, demons lurked in the mist. The outer lands were desolate, barren, unfit for human life. Without the magic that protected Gentem, the kingdom would have died long ago. But that same magic attracted demonic creatures like a beacon in the night. The role of the Five Protectors was to repel them.
             There were      the four Dukes: the Shield, the Spear, the Hammer and the Sword. Their names were not chosen at random, but rather because of the skill associated with their names. Lev Clypeus was the Shield. The fifth protector was not on the borders of the kingdom, like the others, but in its center. There, the Tower stood, headed by the Mage. It was he who, among other things, opened the portals to transport the troops beyond the walls. Without him, no logistics would be possible. And without the others, Gentem would have fallen long ago.
             This made the Four Dukes and the Magus the most powerful people in the kingdom along with King Oktar.
             Moreover, whoever inherited the power of the Shield, Spear, Hammer or Sword immediately became the possessor of the ducal title. This explained why Lev was above his father. But this was not always taken well by the progenitors... Flavia knew something about this, as she came from the family of Vera Gladia. The Sword.
             And she had become the wife of one of the Protectors. Of the Duke of Clypeus. She had a sudden headache. Her mind struggled to grasp what this meant.
             -Tell me, breathed Lev, when the guests started to get well soaked. Did you forget to put your panties back on, by any chance?
             She blushed under her veil.
             -I've noticed, mind you.
             -Why do you call me "sir"?
             Indeed, given their activities in the carriage, she had no reason to do so. But more importantly, they had been married for less than five hours and they hardly knew each other. Almost... She smiled to herself.
             Or maybe they knew each other completely. 
             -Do you always talk to your father like that?
             -Can't you hear yourself?
             -He never could stand that his son was his superior. He's done enough bad things to me that I have a good reason to talk to him like this. By the way, where are your parents?
             -They had to go home, I guess. I wasn't really supposed to be married in the first place, so... their insult plan fell through.
             -Mmh... They couldn't imagine I'd jump on you in the carriage either.
             Flavia struck his arm. Lev raised an eyebrow, so she moved closer to her gesture. Nevertheless, she did not apologize.
             -Don't talk so loud!
             -They're all drunk, no one can hear us, he laughs.
             -Yes, but all the same. I am not like you, Mr. Duke.
             -What do you mean by that?
             -You, nothing can reach you, she sighed, lowering her eyes to her hands. Me... All my facts and gestures are dissected to be turned against me.
             -Oh, that... It's the same for me. It's all in the mindset.
             -You are beautiful, Mr. Duke. You don't know what it's like to be laughed at because of your looks.
             If Lev was flattered that his wife found him handsome, he chuckled at her words. Flavia, under her veil, frowned.
             -My dear wife, I'm going to have to teach you a thing or two.
             -Really? Like what?
             Lev smiled at her, a smile similar to the one in the carriage. She felt her heart speed up.
             -You are the Duchess of Clypeus now. You're above it all. But first things first. Therefore, I suggest you run away from this bunch of idiots and take possession of your room.
             In all honesty, she was delighted to be able to escape the reception room. Some saucy comments were made as they passed, but a glance from the Duke was enough to silence them.
             With one hand on her husband's arm, Flavia discovered that the fortress was big. Really big. The noisy reception room was located opposite the bedrooms. Lev introduced her to the place, telling her which staircase to use to reach the kitchens, the library, his office... In short, so many things that she almost forgot right away.
             No servants were here, yet each of the lanterns was lit, showing them the way. It was when they arrived in front of the rooms that Flavia felt her heart racing.
             -Y... Yes?
             -Do you prefer to share a room or separate rooms?
             They looked at each other. Lev looked upset, so he threw back his veil. Then he smiled at her.
             -What do you like best?
             Separate rooms would be sad, but asking to share a room made her feel like a slut. On the other hand... she didn't want to be alone. Especially with what they had done, and...
             -I wouldn't be offended if we made separate rooms, murmured the duke.
His wife's disappointment was so obvious that he burst out laughing.
             -Come on.
             Taking her by the hand, he led her into... A royal suite?
             Holy cow! The room was huge! He had to knock down a wall, to have the office on one side, and the room on the other. Well, desk... It was a small secretary, with a rack for a full suit of armor next to it. The armor of the Shield.
             Flavia approached it, impressed. She had seen the Protectors' parade from a distance. One of the characteristics of the Shield's armor was its color. Silver, like its owner's hair. It was a color that many had decried. But Vera had explained to him why Lev had made that choice. He was the Shield. It was imperative to be able to find him quickly on the battlefield. So, what could be better than a flashy armor?
             -It's not bad, is it? said Lev with pride. This little gem has saved my life a bunch of times. You can tell. It's got scratches all over it.
             -Ah, indeed, she remarked, looking closer. It's rather discreet.
             -Yes, that's because this one is almost new.
             Lev nodded as he came to sit on his secretary, his feet up on the chair. He seemed much more relaxed in his quarters.
             -Because of my position among the Protectors, I tend to destroy my armor very quickly. When I get a new one, we usually start the next one right away.
             -That much? said Flavia. I thought it was always the same, given how iconic it is in the kingdom. How many is that?
             -Oh, uh... a hundred? More? I don't know...
             -This is a huge number.
             -I know. But don't worry, out of the five of              us, I'm the only one who screws them up that much, he laughs. What do you think of the helmet? This one I change a lot more often though.
             The piece in question was also silver. It was a full-face helmet, with a visor that could be raised, and two curved horns extending from the sides. If this made the whole thing spectacular, it was mainly to cushion the blows to the head.
             -Impressive, she said, turning to him. Is it true there's a spell to put it on faster?
             -Yes. The mages saw to that, otherwise we would never be able to get there in time. Armor like that takes at least an hour to put on, and with help.
             They looked at each other, out of ideas. Yet the silence did not bother them. With a half-smile on his lips, Lev murmured:           
             Without hesitation, they closed the little space between them. As she kissed him, she wondered how this was possible. How a man like him could want her. But she didn't doubt it, at that moment. Covering her body with kisses, he began to strip her, slowly, patiently. Upright in the room, Flavia stood to him, while he undid again her bodice, while touching the point of her breasts. Her bra disappeared, as well as her garter belt, her stockings, and finally her dress. Naked all against him, she heard her sigh trembling on his lips. Carrying her to the large bed, he laid her down on the covers.
             -I'm not going to be the only one naked, all the same? she laughs while attacking her shirt.
             -Oh? Uh...
             His hesitation, she felt it clearly. Raising an eyebrow, she watched him. Fear. Indecision. She stopped her hands.
             -It's just that... uh... no one has seen me naked since I was the Shield, and...
             He grimaced frankly.
             -Flavia is You might be a little disappointed.
             -By the size of your penis?
             -Huh? Uh, no, this is fine.
             -So, what?
             He opened his mouth, closed it again. She tilted her head to one side, trying to figure out what could be preventing him from taking off his shirt.
             -Even the strongest armor could not spare my body, he explained hesitantly. In truth, only my face is intact.
             She raised her eyebrows frankly. Before bursting into laughter. He grimaced. The fact that he was half lying on her, leaning on the elbows, did not embarrass them neither one nor the other.
             -Lev! Have you seen my face? Do you really think your scars are worse than mine?
             The exclamation, quite masculine, made         them both freeze. The Duke straddled his wife with a grunt, while pulling a medallion from under his shirt. Purple, like his eyes, it emitted an inquisitive glow.
             -LEV! repeated the male voice, which undoubtedly came from the collar.
             -WHAT!? roared the Duke.
             Flavia raised her eyebrows at her situation. Naked, with her husband astride her, talking to someone else. It was funny.
             -WHAT THE HELL! the man replied in the same tone. Move your fat ass, we need you on the southern front!
-I can't!
             -I don't give a shit!
             -I am with my wife, Eleazar!
             Silence. Flavia raised an eyebrow. Was that Eleazar? The Mage, the Fifth Protector?
             -Your wife? What wife? How long have you been married?
             -Since... Shit, since this afternoon!
             -WHAT!? BUT WITH WHOM!?
-What business is it of yours!?
             -I would know one way or another!
             Lev closed his eyes, while calling each other names. Flavia, for her part, watched the scene with astonishment.
             -With Flavia.
             -FLAVIA ? THIS FLAVIA THERE!?
             The Mage burst into a thunderous laugh. She might have been offended, had he not added:
             -Vera is so going to kill you, man! When she comes home, you're a dead man!
             -Ah, shut up! The South, you said? I'll be right down. And please don't tell the other two.
-You can always dream!
             Whereupon the medallion becomes tarnished.
             Lev looked at his wife, who smiled gently at him.
             -I get it.
             -Sorry, he said regretfully.
             Jumping down from the bed, he gestured to the armor. Sitting down in the middle of the sheets, Flavia saw the silver pieces leave the rack, to come and fix themselves on the body of the Duke with precision. It took less than thirty seconds for him to be fitted from head to toe. Grabbing his helmet, he had the surprise to see her beside him, rolled up in the comforter.
             -I'll try to make it quick, he murmured as he kissed her gently, his gauntlet chilling her cheek as he passed.
             With a heavy heart, she watched him leave. Through the bedroom window, she saw the gate, a blue half-disk of magic, as if standing on edge in the outer courtyard of the fortress. Eleazar, the Mage, had opened it to allow the Shield troops to reach the front.
             She saw his silhouette looming up, in a flashing silver, in front of his men. Then, with a wave of his hand, he gave the order to start marching, himself in the lead. He disappeared through the gate.
             And did not return from the night.

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