Chapter 8 : The Children of the Protectors

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-Thank you, Mr. Duke.

Lev nodded at the young woman before him. Pregnant, she was livid, with red eyes and hollow cheeks. Yet she gave him a pale smile, before leaving with the old woman who shared his home.

The Shield's stomach was in knots. This was a backstory that the citizens of Gentem never saw.

Those left behind by the victims of the wasteland. Women, children, parents... The Southern, Eastern, Western and Northern Battalions had losses. Every year they lost elite soldiers, despite their vigilance, caution and skill. The Protectors made it a point to attend the funerals of every one of them.

To take care of each person left behind, like this woman with her unborn child.

That is why, with the agreement of King Oktar, the Dukes and Duchesses had set up two villages. One at the border between North and East, Tranquillitas, the other at the border between South and West, Serenitas. They were currently in the first one, with Rainier.

The villages had existed for eight years now. Wives, husbands, partners, children and relatives of the dead lived in harmony here, with the help of the Duchies. If the first times had been hard, the newcomers were now welcomed by the older residents of Tranquillitas. Everyone here had lost someone, everyone knew why they were here.

Everyone had a job when they arrived, the economy of the villages was real, but it did not serve to enrich the place. Everything was put back into the paychecks of the inhabitants, into the management of the orphanage, the hospitals, the garrison, in short, into what made life here possible.

And if the income was not sufficient, Lev and Rainier took care of filling the gap in the coffers. Lev's spa, mountain and winter tourism generated a lot of income to manage all this, while Rainier was unbeatable in the maritime trade.

Between them, they could provide for the families of their fallen soldiers.

-Gentlemen, said the oldest lady, whose son had died too young. I thank you for your help.

-You're welcome, Lev replied with a big smile.

-If I may say so... The orphanage would love to have you visit. Do you have the time?

-Of course! Rainier? Do we have a margin with your children?

The colossal Duke looked up at the sky to assess the time, before nodding his head.

-Yes. Dana will take care of their meal. But I'd like to get home in time for the evening story.

This made the dean smile.

-Ah, sir... You are an exemplary father!

At these words, Rainier blushed slightly. It was necessary to know him well to see him, with his dark skin.

-I... I'm doing my best, he murmured, running an embarrassed hand over the back of his neck.

-Like all parents, chuckled the old lady. Come on, let's go! Let's not waste time, then!

If Rainier was flattered by this remark, Lev discerned the shadows in his eyes. Patting him on the back, the Shield said nothing. He was content to be a silent supporter.

After all, Rainier couldn't do anything about it if his wife was like she was.


The birthday of the Duchess of the South was something special. Hundreds of guests from all over Gentem gathered to attend. There was singing, dancing and eating of local produce, as the duchy was the granary of the kingdom. Everything grew prolifically, to the pride of Cara Malleus.

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