Chapter 9 : Collision with Vera

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Never in her life had Flavia seen that expression on her sister's face.

Vera Gladia, the Sword of Gentem, was terrifying when she was mad with rage.

And the target of this fury was Lev.

- Vera, calm down!

-How dare you touch my sister!?

Lev had just enough time to materialize his Shield, to deflect the Sword she threw at him. He swore and stood in front of Flavia, throwing a blanket over her. She appreciated the gesture. Nevertheless, while Vera rushed towards them, she quickly pulled up Lev's pants, in order to hide his erection.

-Thank you, he breathed, just before impact.

Disappearing his Shield, Lev was hit head-on by Vera. He fell like a lump from the bed, his sister astride him, hitting him. Flavia then realized the situation.

-Vera! she shouted.

-Listen to me, damn it! said Lev, trying to stop the fists raining down on him.

-You dared to touch my sister!

For God's sake, she could never stop him with her words! Grabbing a pillow, Flavia gave a big blow to Vera's head.

This had the desired effect. Her sister froze, turning her head towards her with a look full of betrayal and incomprehension.

-Vera, that's enough! Let us explain the situation!

-We're fucking married! exclaimed Lev.

-And he wasn't raping me!

One fist in the air, the other around the Duke's throat, the Sword of Gentem wrinkled her nose. Her hair a mess, covered with dust and a smell of sulfur, she seemed to be in a total state of confusion. Knowing her, she must have arrived from the mission ten minutes ago, at most. The time it took to tell her that the violent Duke who had beaten up her father had married her little sister.

- Is this true?

-Vera! Let him go!

-I am suffocating...

She released Lev, who took a deep, gasping breath.

-Well... The hard part is done... he gurgled. Now get off of me, please.


His sister stood up, crossing her arms.

- Okay. Explain it to me, will you?

-I'm allowed to be a little nervous before?

-Shut up, Lev. Flavia?

Wrapped in the blanket, Flavia looked over the edge of the bed at her husband. Lying on his back, he had a bruised face.

-How are you?

He raised his head, to smile at her. Ooh, he had an open eyebrow.

-I'm fine. How about you?

- Ah, I'm not the one who got hit. Vera, did you really have to do that?

Blushing, her sister scratched her head with an embarrassed look. As brown as her younger sister, she had dark slanted eyes that seemed to be permanently made up. And yet, Vera was the last person to be interested in this kind of things.

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