Chapter 17 : The Two Weeks Ball

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Lev had done it as quickly as possible. He had even packed his spare outfit, which he had put on just before entering the estate. He'd rarely gone to so much trouble to change his clothes! Nevertheless, it was worth it. For if his hair was disheveled by the ride, it was perfectly in tune with his wife's grooming.

She was beautiful, although that damn veil covered her face. Dressed in a long silver dress, heightened with purple, she had the size underlined by a thick belt color amethyst. A bustier discovered largely its shoulders, revealing the delicate cut of its throat. At his neck was the necklace that he had given her at noon, before leaving. A purple diamond set in silver. Lev couldn't help but smile. He had ordered it especially for her.

He wanted to kiss her.

But by then, a bunch of rats were between him and his wife.

Lowering his eyes to the three noble couples, he clearly saw the panic in them.

-Madam, he said, turning his gaze to the marquise's, I think you're too much to talk about divorce, since you're on your third husband.

The red rose to the cheeks of the impudent. But he was not finished with her.

-If there is someone who has neither the skills nor the presence necessary to judge my married life, it is you. Try to avoid being cuckolded by your husband, then we'll talk about it.


-As for you, countess, the last time you invited a singer to your house who stole all your jewels. You are not really the best judge of the quality of our guests. As for you...

He looked into the eyes of the third offender.

- Your lineage is so shabby that until now I have never heard of you. But don't worry, your name is now engraved in my memory.

Going around them, he nodded to the husbands of the ladies, before joining his wife. Taking her hand in his, he looked at the audience.

-Your Duke and Duchess honor you with their presence. Will you not greet them?

The implicit threat was clear.

In a beautiful display, each of the guests took a knee before the ducal couple. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tamir and Autem, who were watching the scene with suspicious impassivity. Ouch. If those two took their cues from his social behavior again, he was going to get a fight from their parents.

We are delighted to have you here for our bi-weekly ball, said the Duke. I'm sorry I was so late, he added for his wife, kissing her hand. But everything went well.

Flavia nodded her head.

-That's the bottom line, Lev.

Yes, well, he would have liked to have been there earlier, to avoid all this trouble. Nevertheless, his wife had handled the situation very well. In fact, the three wives were dismissed, while the husbands were invited to stay. The latter were relieved. Of course they were. They were the ones who managed the business, through their shrews.

Lev took the time to greet Dana, as well as the children who had witnessed the entire scene. He learned that Flavia had defended their nanny, for which they would be eternally grateful. He smiled. She had gained the complete confidence of the children. As for the nanny, she didn't know what to do to thank her.

The time of a small lull, he pulled gently on the end of the veil of his wife, the glance riveted to his through the fabric.

-Tell me... You could take it off.

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