Ch 1- You're not Alone

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At the time, all of you were working on getting better at the Buttefly Mansion after encountering an Upoer Moon, well... Rengoku and the Kamaboko Squad.

"We're so dead! Here again after we got out of another fight with demons!! Ahhhh!!!" Zenitsu panicked as one of the girls were bandaging him. He then blossomed into simp mode. "Thank goodness these girls are so talented~ This feel so nice~"

"Another victory by Lord Inosuke!" He laughed but chocked cause of the pain that reappeared in his previously fractured ribs. Aoi complained and took his mask off to tend to his bleeding mouth.

"Cut it out! If you wanna feel like crap still then get stronger!" She complained, only because he was a rude individual, Aoi talked how Inosuke does to get a point across.

"HUUHH?! I'LL RIP YOUR TITS OFF!" He threatened but she continued to bandage his arm up after having done his torso.

Tanjiro was receiving treatment as well from one of the girls as he'd look at Rengoku still at rest. His face was covered on one side where he was punched to possibly lose sight. He felt bad that he couldn't do anything, and hated himself for it.

In the moment, Shinobu, Kanao, and yourself entered the room with the baby. He was still so small but his person got bigger.
"Huh? Last I saw them, they were a little smaller..." Inosuke noticed since he witness it, he shivered. You smiled at Inosuke and took in his appearance.

"Oh my.."


"Nothing! Nothing!"

"Tch. Doll face on a war body.." Zenitsu mumbled and Inosuke was about to leap out of bed but cramped. He also was stopped by Aoi who complained about him.

"Hey! Knock it off!" Frustrated he just tore his arm away and went under the blanket, he put his boar head back on and crossed his arms.

"Rengoku, still is out of it..." you sighed as you entered the room to go straight to him. You sat on Tanjiro's bed to see him as you held the baby. "He did look pretty rough..." you turned to Tanjiro.

"I-I.." before he attempted to apologize.

"Thank you, Tanjiro. All of you." You looked at everyone else in the room. "I don't know what I'd do if I had to protect my baby by myself."

Shinobu spoke up for reassurance. "You're not alone, (y/n)."

"We're here for you as well as Rengoku will be. His spirit encourages all of us." She'd mention.

The girls had finished mending the boys in wraps, giving medicine as well to help feel better. Even though Rengoku slept, Shinobu from time to time would spoon feed him during rest.
He had been out for only 2 days before..

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Was booming through the halls of the Butterfly mansion. You were in a separate room writing down in a small journal and immediately came out the room. You came to where everyone was resting to then see Rengoku. He was holding the baby in the air and smiling. You then thought about it..

'How the hell did the baby get over here'

The next thought became Inosuke but Inosuke was already looking at you.

"NO! NONONONO! HE CAME OVER HERE!" Confused. You noticed Rengoku's kindngaze looked over to you, with his one visible eye.

"(Y/n)..! Thank you for giving me an adorable son!" You laughed as he'd show you him. "He seems human! How is he big though? He's already bigger than normal babies..." he questioned. You cried seeing Rengoku talk so much.

"Gosh.. you talk too much." He looked back at you to then face you hug him carefully. Rengoku slipped the baby between you both and you all were in an embrace. The baby looking up at you both. "He takes a little more after me but he has your eyes and some blonde."

Rengoku chuckled, "Well! There's a practice for that but who would've thought the baby was only going to be in your stomach for that long!" You smiled and kissed his nose before kissing him.

Tanjiro smiled at the sight of happiness, Zenitsu was also for the couple, but Inosuke grumbled. "So we're not gonna mention how I pulled the baby out of a pit of darkness?!? He should be my second in command!!"

||Illusions Or Truth|| KNY:Kyojuro Rengoku x D!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें