CH 2- Rengoku Family

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Rengoku was walking around and doing things he shouldn't with his body and even suggested going over to his home not even a week in for rest. You were worried over his decision but he wanted to bring his son over for his family to see.

"Eh?! How would I get there. It's the middle of the day and the sun is high!" You asked. "Can we wait until Shinobu changes your bandages...?" You ask. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were training outside with the girls. While you were inside talking to Kyojuro. You were breastfeeding the baby during the process of having this conversation, yet Kyojuro didn't mind the sight. He kept looking down and it was definitely obvious with his one eye. You glared as it would've thrown him off mid sentence. The baby was resting while doing what they do best, eat.

"Alright! Yes, we could do that. I feel like the wraps over my face are suffocating me. The days were passing by and Rengoku on an occasion watched the boys train, though he had to walk with a cane since his spine was greatly harmed. He held his chest. 'Any harder and he'd shove his fist right through me.' Kyojuro thought while seeing them work their bodies. He was encouraging them to keep working till they pass out. Shinobu came around the corner to fan Rengoku over. It was time to trade the bandages out and give Rengoku a more comfortable patch for his eye.

"You should also shower before I apply such." She'd suggest and go into one room. "Take your time, I'll be here. (Y/n) is already there and she'll help you." Kyojuro's face gave a tinted red but he smiled over it.

"Alright! I'll keep it short!" He said. Shinobu closed her eyes with another smile in return.

"Don't worry, She's more concerned over your recovery." Kyojuro made way to where he last remembers where the wash room is.

In there, (y/n) was cleaning their son's skin and washing his hair. The baby was calm and soothed by the warm water. You wore a towel over your own body after already cleaning yourself. Not that you need to often but it felt nice to find your humanity. When entering, Kyojuro greeted you immediately.

"Hello!" His voice boomed in the echoing room and you were slightly startled but Haijuro cheered. "Ahh!!" His son just matched his energy with a yell.

"Eh... not you both being loud...." You complained but giggled from the thought. You let your son crawl on the floor and motioned Kyojuro to come over. "C'mere, big man. It's your turn." You side smiled him as he hung his clothes. You tend to his hair and the rest of him, his scars of you began to settle in but it hose weren't the only things on his body the more you had time to look at it.

During the moment, your son came beside his father and looked up at him from being in his crawling position. He started to put his hands on the wall and pick himself up to stand, while a towel was tightly wrapped around his waste. There he spit up milk from his mouth.

"Oh, Gosh.... you did that without me burping you?" You noticed and rinsed everything on the floor and off the both of them. "You're all clean, Darling." Something you began saying which Kyojuro smiled kindly to

"Thank you!! It was very relaxing!" He crossed his arms. You helped him stand off the small chair and he grabbed his cane after dressing. Haijuro didn't have clothes in the room but you crafted something out of rags outside of the room.

"You go on ahead. I need to dress him up for the day. Especially if we're going to see your family." You said. Your son grabbed some of Kyojuro's hair and pulled on it, in response he laughed and kissed his sons forehead before pulling back.

"Alright! I'll let you know when the sun is down. It's a far walk but this injury isn't something I cant handle." His passion made you smile. He left before you to go to Shinobu and you left after to dress the baby up. Maybe you should've asked to cut up the pieces of the blanket but.. you tucked that side in on the other side of the bed.

||Illusions Or Truth|| KNY:Kyojuro Rengoku x D!ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum