Chapter 11

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"Now you know then, this is the reason on why my brothers didn't want to turn you into a werewolf," Caine said as sat down beside me. 

Meanwhile, my wolf in my head grew ecstatic on our mate sitting close to us.

"Oh, so what exactly is a mate?" I asked.

I didn't really know if my wolf was lying or not. But she probably isn't since she said she was my other 'half'. 

"Like a soulmate, you should really check out the books I placed on your bedside table," he chuckled.

"Your the one who placed the books there?" 

"Yes, who else?" He said with a smile.

"Well, I'll get on with reading then," I said as I stood up and left the room. That was when I realized that I was on his room a few seconds ago. I walked out of their common room and left the Alpha's Hall. I went through several hallways and staircases until I finally reached my own room. I opened the door and went in. Trix was on the edge of her bed, looking very worried. When she saw me, she quickly stood and ran to give me a hug. 

"I was so worried! I thought you weren't able to survive the transformation!" Trix said, her coice laced with concern.

"Yeah, I, um, passed out after Caine bit me," I muttered.

"Caine was the one who bit you?!" Trix asked in surprise.

"Umm yeah?" I said.

Her eyes widened and she smirked. "Hmmm what does your wolf say about him?"

"W-what? N-n-nothing!" I stammered.

We shouldn't be ashamed of our mate, my wolf said, scowling at me through my head.

I never said I was.

You act like it. Anyways back to mate...

Then she started blabbering about him again, it was annoying to be honest.

"Hmmm?" Trix said again.

"It's nothing, really," I murmured

"Anyways, you should go rest for now, having to turn into a werewolf isn't an easy process," with that, she left the room. 

I jumped into bed and relaxed my head on the headboard. Then, I grabbed the books that Caine had so kindly put on my nightstand. I looked at the covers. 'The Ancient Werewolves', 'Mates', 'All you need to know about Vampires'

Well, it was obvious it was the 'Mates' one I needed. I flipped in the pages and started reading.

Mates are the true love of each wolf. Wolves find their specific mate when they turn to the age of eighteen, but some are unfortunate and find their mate at an older age. Mates are basically the other half of a wolf, without each other, the other is like an empty shell, without the capability of loving or having any feelings for anyone else. 

So, this book is saying that Caine was my other half?! 

Yes, that's exactly what it is, human.

I wasn't asking you, I was asking myself.

Don't be bitchy, I'm trying to be nice here.

Mk, fine, sorry?

It's fine! My wolf said chirpily. 

So, whoever is a person's mate is stuck with the mate forever? You can't reject them or something?

My wolf gasped at this. What? Your thinking of rejecting our mate?! 

No. I meant-

But she already left my mind. I feel bad for that, it was mainly my fault. I was thinking of asking Caine about when our wolf leaves our mind but he probably has too much in his hair now so... okay never mind I'm going to ask him. I went to the room that he and his brothers' shared and was about to go in his room when Carter grabbed my shoulder.

"I wouldn't disturb him if I were you."

"Mkay," I muttered.

"Why do you need to talk to him?" He asked, sitting down on one of the beanbag chairs.

"My wolf blocked me in my head, I was just curious."

He nearly choked on what he was drinking. "Are you so annoying that your wolf blocked you on your first day with it?"

I glared at him, "I was just asking if there was no way we could reject a mate and don't have to be stuck with that person forever."

"You want to WHAT?! What did my brother do wrong?" His eyes nearly popped out of its sockets as he started shaking me by my shoulders.

"N-no I w-was just c-curious," I said as he stopped shaking me.

"Don't even dare to think about rejecting my brother, he never thought he had a mate and he was the one who forced us to not kill that village of yours," he growled.

"Never thought he had a mate?" I echoed.

"Yes, we're cursed, now you know," he muttered.


Honestly, I feel dumb echoing whatever Carter was saying.

"Yes, are you slow?"

I scowled at him and looked away. But then the door to Caine's room burst open. "Were you talking about rejecting me?!" He said in alarm.

Then, he started shaking me just like Carter did. "Did I do something wrong? What did I do to make you want to reject me?"

"N-no I w-was j-just curious," I stammered.

He stopped shaking me and ran a hand across his hair and started taking deep breaths.

"Umm, the reason I came here is because I wanted to ask about my wolf," I began. 

"She- er, blocked me out or something," I muttered.

"You can't transform if she does that," Carter pointed out. 

That was the last thing I needed to know, I just wanted to know if my wolf was okay.

I'm fine! I just needed a break and now I'm back! My wolf was chirpy as usual, and that made me smile.

The two brothers noticed my smile and had probably guessed that my wolf was back, so they just left me in their common room.

But just then, I felt two hands grab my body. A few more dark figures went up from the window, and just as I was about to scream, the man behind me put a handkerchief on my nose and was I inhaled it's scent, I fell unconscious.

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