Chapter 22

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"I just took some sips- it wasn't that much," the man that had attacked me said.

"Jake, she's never been bitten before, it would hurt more since she isn't used to it. Didn't we provide all the vampires in this building enough blood bags each day?! You can't just go attack random people like that!" Daniel growled at him.

"Uhh, where is Caine?" I asked, interrupting their very heated conversation. Both their head snapped in my direction. 

"I don't know, he was looking for you when we were also searching for you but I don't know where he is right now," Daniel answered, still glaring daggers at Jake.

I searched around the whole building until I reached a weird-looking stone door. I pushed it, but it wouldn't budge. I pushed harder, and this time, it opened a little bit. I looked at the small opening I had made. The door leads to a creepy-looking basement, and when I looked at it from the side, I noticed another door, but it was wooden. 

My curiosity got the best of me and I pushed even harder at the stone door, when it only opened a little, I leaned my whole body towards it and pushed with all my might. When it finally opened, I stumbled a little from leaning too hard on the stone door.

I walked into the room, and if I was going to be honest, the room looked really old. I walked towards the wooden door, and when I was just about to open it, I heard footsteps from the other side. 

My eyes went wide when the door burst open, and when Elijah came out of it, with two other vampires behind him. I took a step back when I realized they were armed.

When Elijah first noticed me, he smirked. "Is the little princess trying to save their mate?" he taunted. He walked closer to me as I backed away, his boots clinking on the wooden floor. I stopped walking backward when I realized it was a dead end. Elijah laughed humorlessly.

"YOU-! Did you-" I started, not knowing what to say.

"Well, whenever you get in danger, Caine or Daniel always saves you, but what if they were the one in danger? Would you be able to save them?"

I felt a sting hit me when he said those words. But what could I say? He was sort of right. Whenever I got in trouble, Caine or Daniel were always there for me, because I was weaker than they are and they always try to protect me. But what about me? I couldn't save them, or at least I don't think I could. He smiled at me when he realized how his words had affected me.

Elijah signaled the two vampires to stop blocking the doorway. When they stepped out, my eyes widened when I saw Caine chained down on the wall, bleeding. Elijah went closer to me, and he spoke near my ear. "You two clearly aren't a good fit. But since you tried to rescue your little mate, I'll let you have him... but mark my words, I'll come back. And when I do, I won't show any mercy."

He allowed me to enter the room, and I immediately ran to Caine, checking his wounds and injuries. I looked back at Elijah, and when we made eye contact, the words 'I'll come back, and I won't show any mercy', went into my mind, as if he were speaking into it. Without a word, he and his companions disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

Cool disappearing act, I must say.

"Are you okay?" I asked Caine. 

He nodded weakly, but I could tell by his appearance that he wasn't okay. He had blood all over his clothing, and he seemed to lack energy. I tried pulling the silver chains off, but ended up getting my hand burned. My burn on my arm didn't hurt as much as pure-blooded wolves did though, because I was just a half-blood. "Use.. gloves," he managed to murmur before slipping out of consciousness. 

I looked around the place, I knew that Elijah must have left the key somewhere in here. I saw a brown paper bag and looked into it. Inside was a silver key, why did everything have to be silver when werewolves were kind of allergic to silver?!

Caine's advice drifted into my head, like a replaying radio. 'Use gloves'. I don't have time to look for gloves so I ripped a huge portion from the paper bag and used it to be my 'glove'. I unlocked the chains that were used to hold Caine captive. 

How the hell was I supposed to bring him back? He's way too heavy-

Or I could just wait until he wakes up. 

I waited a whole hour just to wait for him to wake up, and when he did, I allowed him to rest for a while before leading us out of the place. He was limping a little and slightly leaned towards me whenever he would lose balance.

"I thought werewolves heal fast." I wondered out loud.

"Mhm, we do, but I'm too weak to heal right now," he muttered as he tested his arm, waving it around. He flinched when his shoulder started aching.

"You shouldn't move around- the pain will worsen."

"I savor the pain, I'm used to it," he smiled and added, "No need to feel bad."

I still felt bad.

When we finally reached the staircase which led to the living room, my legs felt numb. Why did they have to have such a big place anyway? I looked at Caine. He didn't seem bothered by how long we had been walking and climbing stairs, instead, he was flexing his bicep, again and again. When he caught me staring, I immediately looked away, my cheeks turning a little pinkish.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly normal to be attracted to my charms," he said with a grin. I playfully smacked his chest.


Daniel was seated among the people in the living room, watching TV. I guess they didn't really notice our disappearance, since we did disappear together, they might have thought we just wanted some alone time. But when Daniel's neck snapped toward our direction, he gasped when he saw how bloody Caine looked.

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